View Full Version : The Children of Iktomi

05-28-2006, 01:16 PM
Do you remember this place brave sister?
The wind blows dust in the mouth and stings the eye,
But when we first met teacher, this place was a lush valley,
Where animals came to drink, to live and die.
Do you remember when we first spoke to teacher?
He was sitting on a stump next to a stream.
He told us of a time when there were no words,
No words to confuse, no words to betray,
He told us of a time when darkness was a dream
And dreams subdued the darkness.
Do you remember this place brave sister?

His words - Became our memories,
Memories belong to no one,
Memories belong to the wind.

Yes brother! I remember this place.
We were hungry and teacher's words were food for us:
We learned to speak, to think and grow. Behind tall trees
Whose wide leaves provided shelter from the sun,
We yearned to speak the secrets that others didn't know.
We asked and teacher spoke the words to us.
Yes brother! I remember this place.

His wisdom - Formed our thoughts,
We keep them still,
But for who?

Sister! Under the Snow Moon we were forgotten by beast and man.
Into the night we snuck away, daring the forbidden paths, known only
To the elders who couldn't follow us. Those ancient paths served us well.
Not even the Snake could follow us - the trails were too twisted.
Not even the Wolf could track us - the paths were too old.
How many feathers did Raven waste on us? The fool!
Sister! Under the Snow Moon we were forgotten by beast and man.

But not by Iktomi!

I, Iktomi, brought you here, son of Man Who Shot Red Eagle.
I, Iktomi, brought you here, to this place that is no place.
When hungry, you ate weeds for meat.
When thirsty, you drank sand as water.
The sun burned your bare flesh,
But you took no notice.

By the power of my charms!

I, Iktomi, caused the paths to shrivel and the trails to disappear,
Delaying Snake and confounding Wolf who could never snatch you from my boney fingers.


I heard they still search for you
In a land West, across the mountains.

Trapped in my web!

I, Iktomi, by no small charm caused Raven to fall from flight.
I, Iktomi, taught you words to break the silence.
I, Iktomi, brought you here, son of Man Who Shot Red Eagle.
See this smile on my face? It's not for you,
But for your sister - Coyote.

His lies - Our lives are one.
We live both now,
But for who?