View Full Version : the idea of idealism...the nightmare of perfection

05-04-2006, 07:17 AM
the idea of idealism and the thought of perfection may not seem as good and joyful as they seem. what happens if we become perfect? there would be no crime, there would be no absence from work, there would be no quarrels and last and most important there would be no need to create. if we didnt need to make our lives better ,we wouldnt need to create anything. there would be no use of our brains and our intelligence and wisdom would begin to decrease and declain by the time. yes, intelligence comes only due to what we face in life. scientists rose from the ashes of ignorance and neglection centuries ago. their ideas emerged from the darkests corners of the human's brain. why? because they faced hard times and they wanted to make life better. now we are living softly. our strenght began to fade.doctors try to create the perfect body. they try to enhance our cells and do what ever they might do, but, if we had no diseases,then.........what's the need for doctors? they try to smash their own future by their hands. they talk about world peace, no, when they talk about world peace they always talk about global destruction . if there were no wars and no technology, countries wouldn't compete and wouldn't rise. they would declain and come down on the same ground it was built on. let's take an example, america wouldn't have reached the moon if there wasn't a cold war. they wouldn't have competed with russia if there was no cold war. so the day they will anounce world peace, they will anounce the demise of this land. a day will come when the man race becomes week and know nothing about power and work. they would know nothing about struggle for freedom and rights. and as an effect we will lose every decent goal we once had and fought for.so our most desired dreams are realy but our worst nightmares.

05-14-2006, 03:48 PM
Not every ideal promises to solve all human problems. An anarchist will never tell you that all your problems will be solved once the state is eliminated, he will only tell you that you will then have the freedom to solve your own problems in the manner that you see fit.

05-15-2006, 03:42 AM
but being an ideal person wouldn't even put you in a place fit to solve your problems. it would put you in a place to enlarge your problems and would make you a prisoner inside your own body which people think is ideal.

05-23-2006, 10:30 PM
Who says you have to be an ideal person?

What is an ideal person anyway?

05-24-2006, 04:32 AM
an ideal person is a person that exists only in a world with no logic

05-24-2006, 06:34 PM
What in the name of sweet lemon tarts are you talking about?

05-24-2006, 06:39 PM
Maybe he means that an 'ideal person' is more an emotional concept then a logical concept.

06-08-2006, 06:51 PM

i think there is no ideal person in this time

the whole idea of idealism is rubbish

there is nothing like that

and every person who pretend to be an ideal he only neglect his emotion

i mean in the past the idea of idealism and perfec was very importanet
every person should be perfect so did now and this what cause problems because we can not be perfect we are ahuman being we can not ignor who we are

we wish if we could be aperfect and live in aperfect world if we only could be aperfect

this is my idea imean i agree with you although we wish if we live in aperfect world

but nothing can came if we would not try to do anew things

06-09-2006, 01:11 AM
I agree that it is impossible to become perfect, but self-improvement is impossible without some sort of ideal.