View Full Version : Sdrawkcab

11-09-2003, 01:06 AM
Evah uoy reve deciton woh eht dlrow si sdrawkcab? Tel em etarobale...T'ndluohs ti eb, nehw ew era gnuoy, taht ew wonk gnihtyreve dna tsuj evil revewoh ew leef tif. Neht sa ew worg redlo, 52 ro os, ew trats ot krow. Ew hcaer tuoba, 56 ro os, ew og ot loohcs; ton ot nrael morf srehto secneirepxe, tub ot erahs ruo nwo. Esaelp tsop ruoy sthguoht no eht tcejbus. (Ti t'nseod evah ot eb ni siht tamrof.)

11-09-2003, 01:25 AM
Enigami tahw eht tra dluow eb ekil. Mmmmmmm!

11-09-2003, 01:30 AM
:p On, siht si gnikam ym seye deelB.

11-09-2003, 05:31 AM
I'd suggest consulting a doctor about that.

11-09-2003, 06:00 PM
Nigeols, yhw ma I ereh?

Semitemos I leef eht warst si gnipruls ta eht mottob fo eht puc.

11-09-2003, 07:49 PM
Obnirodba, esuaceb, uoy tnaw ot eb. (Fi uoy tnaw a erom detacsufbo rewsna, I deen erom sliated.) (Toom snoissucsid era nuf.)
Tahw saw ni eht puc? Tahw dnik fo warts? Erehw did siht ekat ecalp?

11-10-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by sloegin
Tahw saw ni eht puc?

A tniop? A tod? Emos ytiralugnis . . .

Tahw dnik fo warts?

A warts taht dekcus kcab.

Erehw did siht ekat ecalp?

Eht roiretxe fo eht puc.

11-10-2003, 02:50 AM
S'tahw ni eht puc: lohocla, klim, jo, eeffoc, .cte?

Epyt fo warts: a yltcefrep thgiarts eno, ro eno foeht yttihs gnidneb seno?

Noitacol: a esuoh, a rac, na tnemhsilbatse, .cte?

11-10-2003, 09:23 AM
ko, I eerga htiw neD, tub ym seye era gnideelb erom morf gniyrt ot eurgif tuo eht tniop fo ruoy noitssucsid. Tub m'I desirprus ta woh hcum reisae ti si ot etirw siht yaw naht daer ti.

11-11-2003, 12:39 AM
si gnitirw sdrawkcab nuf? I sseug I nac rewsna ym nwo noitseuq won.

I nac eerga htiw eht puc ygolana, hguohtla taht si esuaceb m'I tuo fo ytsat egdireveb.

sah enoyna daer ehT ecnO dna erutuF gniK? sihT ebyam woh nilreM tlef.

lleT su erom tuoba eht ytiralugnis, esaelp.

11-11-2003, 02:42 AM
My point was moot.
It's kind of like this:
(In an asylum for the mentally unstable. A new patient is talking to the shrink for the first time.)
Doctor : Do you hear any voices?
Patient: Yes.
Doctor : Well, what do they say?
Patient: They keep asking me lame questions, in order to confirm the existence.

11-13-2003, 01:55 PM
nmad, siht si ooos drah ot dear dna etirw. ma I eht ylno eno ohw
skniht os? ro tsuj eht ylno bmud hgoune ot evah selbuort thiw ti?