View Full Version : What a dishearten, where are you women?

04-30-2006, 08:52 AM
It is now about a decade, since my heart starts going helter skelter looking for an answer of one very question. Surprisingly enough, this question is always going more bizarre, now about to persist to an insurmountable peak.
To cap the story short. Question; why do nowadays (probably even then) women’s nudity and beauty is for (mostly only) public display-ADVERTISEMENT.
Is it the reason why they are created with such things? Or what they are doing is or is not out of sense? Is there any Human Right Groups that is again sting this thoughtless act. As to my own view, this is dehumanization.
Any other view lets share my fellow good people.

Xamonas Chegwe
04-30-2006, 10:12 AM
I'm afraid that I have difficulty understanding what you are asking here. Can you rephrase please?

04-30-2006, 10:42 AM
I think he has a problem with nudity in advertising? I believe there are worse problems facing humanity than photographs of scantily clad women.

Xamonas Chegwe
04-30-2006, 11:03 AM
Nude women is a problem? :confused:

kilted exile
04-30-2006, 11:45 AM
Nude women is a problem? :confused:

Like most things it depends on the woman.......for example nude grandmothers I would classify as a problem to most people, but not Wayne Rooney obvioulsy ;)

04-30-2006, 01:00 PM
Question; why do nowadays (probably even then) women’s nudity and beauty is for (mostly only) public display-ADVERTISEMENT.

There is an awesome film called Killing Me Softly- currently, there is a 3rd revised edition. It is a documentary about using nudity and sex in advertising, and is quite shocking- definately an eye opener. It mainly focuses on women, but also, men, children, race and heterosexual couples. Check it out if you can. What disturbs me most is when female children are photographed for advertising in sexual poses (i.e., a little girl in a mini skirt posing so that you can see her panties- Gap). It's a serious documentary (of course, given the subject matter), but the use of humor in it is great.

miss tenderness
05-02-2006, 04:53 PM
u r right Muhsin, i guess women now are looked at as dulls more than humans who r able to be intellectual and creative. women do not have just body and beuty ,women can be lifted to a highly ,elevated position.

05-02-2006, 05:05 PM
Does there have to be a dichotomy though? Not judging by some of the beautiful women on this site (fawn, fawn) and my own intellectual goddess! Obviously, those who exploit juveniles are wrong - but otherwise, with fully grown autonomous individuals where is the exploitation? Unless, of course, someone is coerced or hurt (psychologically or phsyically) as a result of the ads.

That said, I despise advertising and other forms of brainwashing the unaware masses. Who, of course, I set myself firmly apart from!

05-02-2006, 05:11 PM
As if men are not used in a similar manner for advertising.

Not that I care, I just like to think of people as having a fully fleshed out personality. Every kind of person exist. The dumb pretty blonde exist, as does the smart pretty blond etc. I personally prefer the smart one.

05-02-2006, 05:17 PM
I rather think they all prefer you. I think peer pressure is hard and people are coerced a lot into doing what their hearts tell them no if they do not come from a position of strength and support. It is complicated really. Ihave no answers whatsoever.

05-02-2006, 05:39 PM
It is complicated - but I don't believe gender really comes into it. It is the masses who are exploited, not the models. Do you mean it makes people, particularly women, aim to conform to an impossible stereotype? Well, dig a little deeper people - if that is where you're at. Not you personally - I am sure that you are not!

Whether beautiful people are on photos or not, other people will always aspire to be 'beautiful' - whatever that particular social construct is in your neck of the woods. Advertisers (and many other agents of ultra-capitalist society) are money grabbing scum - but they are only conforming to the expected norms of our society, and they can only exploit you if you subscribe.

05-02-2006, 05:45 PM
that is exactly true(are you a psychologist/gentleman/mobster?) that is why it is so very complicated. It is too me like a puppy going round in circles biting its' own tail. society demands thus and so and then the advertisers come along and with their magic make thus and so the now norm. I am concerned with the insecure, the broken, the weak that seem to have no strength against this onslaught and get hooked and in the trap are greatly harmed. like I said I have no answers.

05-02-2006, 06:16 PM
I think that the "...broken, the weak.." need support and guidance, but at what stage do you have to accept that they will not change? And how much of that weakness is or can become passive aggression and other negative and destructive neourosis? Try to guide, but be aware that if you guide to long you can become tired and lost yourself. I speak as someone who has had experience of such a draining person.

Say what you can to enlighten them - they can choose to listen or choose to wallow in ignorance. What else can you do? This quote, paraphrasing Burroughs, sounds quite harsh, but when you think about it, it is true:

"Don't profer sympathy to the unaware - for it is a never ending pit"

Of course you can try to help them and love them if they are related; but you can just add to their problem?

Well, that's what I think right now, but it is probably sounding very 'ethical egoist' which I hate. But quite Neitzschean - aspects of which I like; in it's non-racist etc. form of course.

05-02-2006, 06:54 PM
do you give lectures and how may I get a reserved chair?

05-02-2006, 08:28 PM
It is now about a decade, since my heart starts going helter skelter looking for an answer of one very question. Surprisingly enough, this question is always going more bizarre, now about to persist to an insurmountable peak.
To cap the story short. Question; why do nowadays (probably even then) women’s nudity and beauty is for (mostly only) public display-ADVERTISEMENT.
Is it the reason why they are created with such things? Or what they are doing is or is not out of sense? Is there any Human Right Groups that is again sting this thoughtless act. As to my own view, this is dehumanization.
Any other view lets share my fellow good people.

Personally, this is is somehow related to supply and demand. There wouldn't be any increase of say, nudity in media, if there isn't any increasing demand for such act. And I think you can not say it as a thoughtless act and generalize all women who posed as nude models, because some did it by choice and clear consideration. And as for dehumanization, I agree with Bandini who mentioned that there are worse problems/acts in this world than nude pictures/ads.

05-03-2006, 12:07 PM
To me, advertising as a business seems predicated on creating a need or an insecurity in the public simply to sell a product to satisy the same. I can only speak to the advertisments shown in the US of course, but I think of all the products out there and how really, many are *just* not needed in life.

I think as far as the portrayal of women goes, yes, it does get a bit tiresome at times. I think it comes done to whether or not one decides to buy into that sort of thing.
When an ad comes on television that I don't like, out comes the remote control and I change the channel. The same can be said for print advertisements. Are the women who are featured in ads being "thoughtless"? Well, that seems (if you will forgive me, not trying to sound like a jerk here) anyway, that seems a bit patronizing. If someone makes a decision on accepting a job and they get paid a decent wage, then that is their choice to do so. As other folks here have said, I think there are some more important things going on in the world right now.

05-03-2006, 01:38 PM
do you give lectures and how may I get a reserved chair?

I am flattered by your wow - I thought I was just rambling!

I won't go into the lecturing thing - I am Bandini free spirit and all round good egg! I will not be defined by occupation or any other label - for I am ARTURO BANDINI! I am also knackered and just had a glass of sparkling Pinot Grigio, so I might start rambling again pretty soon. Oh, I already have.

05-03-2006, 02:35 PM
that may be Mr. Bandini but you do it so...are you a real person I wonder? You seem larger than life,like a snatch of a hundred different good films all put together to create an epic story-I cannot explain it. I am rambling too but because of lack of sleep and a poor dear screaming and hitting baby all night and so far all day. :smash: :bawling: :smash:

05-03-2006, 04:17 PM
I am Bandini free spirit and all round good egg! I will not be defined by occupation or any other label
He is neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring!

05-03-2006, 04:22 PM
hahahaha, that is funny, but now I am more confused than ever. He is just about as mysterious as our Basil.

05-03-2006, 05:15 PM
I think we may share similar tastes in music - he knew his ween. And I think he's a Bukowski fan?

05-07-2006, 10:38 AM
What a wonderful replies!
Thanks to all.

05-07-2006, 11:37 AM
Goy us going there Mush old lad! Look forward to your future posts.

woeful painter
05-07-2006, 04:35 PM
hahahaha, that is funny, but now I am more confused than ever. He is just about as mysterious as our Basil.

I bow in admiration for both of them! :nod: