View Full Version : The Sun

04-22-2006, 03:51 PM
The Sun
By Gregory Achen

Atop the world crowns the sun,
the sky its kingly throne.
Circling westward, an endless run,
forever to be alone.

Everlasting journey, futile pursuit;
companions, its only desire.
A ceaseless search that’s all but moot;
a goal it shall never acquire.

The setting sun shows sorrow and grief,
another day lost to its goal.
But yet its search was all too brief!
The night gives others control!

If only its quest could linger till dark;
where friendship is found galore.
For in the night grows infinite sparks,
as stars come out to explore.

Twinkling diamonds, sparkling bright,
their light forever in bind.
Unlike the stars that cover the night,
company, the sun shall not find.

A new day brings an eastern glow,
as starlight fades out of view.
An oblivious sun returns, feeling of woe,
to start its vain search anew.