View Full Version : Dreamscapes: The Man

04-06-2006, 12:53 AM

Anyday that goes by--
Bewilderment ensues,
Following the shocking,
of pandora's box-----my only truth .
some people,

take apart--> rub on thistles,
till bled followed by drainage
skill and skin loosened
Gallows, I sit upon your rope--

(an angry man at that!) (angry man at that!)

Tighten constriction of air.
Wish of the Crucible--
yellow bird only friend
Abby you ***** !


Someday the invisible,
Attempting to be seen
will find its way outside,
To the cole of Anapolis.
Darkened skies illumine

chate follow me.

Waking down the hill,
evolved of nothing,
But of a man,
convoluted transfigured --really a man?
Just an image,

chaste follow me.

Blue, red, indigho.
Follow your orders!
Man a mirror; of a mirror


Broken glass,
reflection of truth.
More than one eye to any instance
-----Hairdryer on the floor
cries of fidelity

Roaming the halls for a jacket--

angered at the panties found,
hidden between our sheets--oh!
brillantly giggling down the stairs
-----hearing clatter footsteps
-----shocked at how fast he left
and the sudden realization of that

door slam,
being alone for once
In a pink robe, cries---clentched fists
covet the head that hangs.
------one false memory

Awakes mascara run dry

Well, these are my Dreamscapes. The "I", or the "he" in the poem is not me at all. Umm, if you have read John Berryman, the form of the poem is very similar, 6 lines/3 stanzas. Hope you enjoy1 Any feedback is really good!?!

09-10-2010, 05:33 PM
this felt like several voices and a couple of poems rolled into one.

09-10-2010, 05:44 PM
I know we're having a zombiefest here - but I do think resurrecting so many ancient poems from the crypt is in danger of driving the more recent poems off today's page before everyone (in every time zone) has a chance to read them - which defeats the object of posting anything new here.

If you really want to bring the dead back to life perhaps the corpses could be displayed on a single thread (as per the rules for anyone who posts more than one of their own poems in any 24 hour period).

Just a thought.

09-10-2010, 07:46 PM
you're probably right Hill.