View Full Version : Working hours

03-29-2006, 10:58 AM
I've noticed that lots of people on this forum have a very active life and do loads of interesting things besides reading and posting on here like maniacs. so i was wondering: where do you find the time?
---> how many hours a day do you spend working? (students read: studying/taking courses)

i'm a student, so for me it's anything between 0 and 12 hours depending on what time of the year it is. (the two seasons of the student year: term; holidays). apart from studying i do youthwork and have a handful of hobbies, like swimming, reading, films, walking blablabla being a nuisance, causing public outrage....

I think Robin is playing truant :D he posts all day (which I only happen to know as a result of extensive research, NOT because i spend my life on the internet too). Scher can you as a teacher tolerate this kind of behaviour? :lol:

03-29-2006, 11:10 AM
Oh... I'm forever busy with college, or my music group, or my dance practise or my church prayer group, or the youth group!!
But i like being busy... atleast you don't get bored, though it could get tiring you know..

03-29-2006, 11:16 AM
Interesting question. I usually work about nine hours a day, week days, of course. Add an hour commute each way, and almost an hour to get ready in the morning. You can see a good bulk of my day is taken up with work. I will say that I've gotten into the habit of taking a peak at lit net at work during the course of a day. But I won't usually post much from there.

03-29-2006, 11:19 AM
I know this ain't live chat... but Hi virgil:wave:!!
sorry sleeping, i know that's like intruding, couldn't stop myself... I missed bieng here!

03-29-2006, 11:54 AM
Hmmmm, It is a good question but difficult one for me to answer. I don't study more than eight hours usually but when there are exams, sometimes I have to study all the day with small breaks.

Teachers should leave kids alone. They should not give us a lot of work. All work and no play makes pensive a dull girl.

03-29-2006, 12:49 PM
Studying is not for me, I just attend courses and that's it. I positively hate studying, can't ever get myself to look into a book to study. Except when I am looking up a particular thing on something I am doing.

It's not that I don't like to learn things, it's just that I find (study) books are a completely ineffecient form of learning. So, without that loss of time, I gain probably a few hours a week, which are usually spend doing a whole lot of other things. I also travel about 3 hours a day, A perfect time to read a good novel.

With the current project I spend about four hours a week doing research. But it is almost finished. Next week I have all day off, supposedly to study, but I'll just do fun things. Of course the occassional job I have takes time, usually some 8 hours a day. But again this is very infrequent.

Come to think of it, it's a miracle I have any sense of time at all, with the irregularity I live my life. It's not uncommon to be awake the entire night, and the next day going to bed as early as 10 PM. Short days, long days. My biological clock is extremely flexible, never had jetleg either.

Today I spend 5 hours working on a model ship, did a bit of work for the project, cooked dinner, and in about 30 minites I'll be off to soccer practice, which will take me well into the night, with the all important after practice bar examination. :D

kilted exile
03-29-2006, 06:30 PM
I usually arrive at the office around 7:30 and work until 4:30-5:00. Occassionally longer depending on deadlines. I like getting there early as its quiet and I can get things done before my manager shows up with another folder.

03-29-2006, 06:41 PM
I work from 10:00am-5:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. That's 7 hours a day, 28 hours a week. (It sounds luxurious, but I'm really starving to death. Can't get more hours, and still trying to find a night job. There's a new restaurant about to open downstairs in my building, though, so maybe they'll hire me. Wish me luck!)

I try so hard to stay off of the Forum in the mornings, but I usually stop in for a half hour or so before work. Then right back on again while I eat my dinner in the evening. Ugh! I'm such an addict.

03-30-2006, 01:17 AM
Now a days, I don't work more than two or three hours but after Sunday, it will be the same old damn routine.

03-30-2006, 03:37 AM
I go to school for about 7½ hours a day, and then three times a week i go to work in the bookstore for 4½ hours. apart from that i still have to find time for studying, which can take up to two hours a day, often more...
IB likes to keep us busy...

woeful painter
03-30-2006, 04:58 AM
Let's see, school takes about 8hrs of my time plus 3hrs of study, then there are my chores like dishes, trash and the dog. But now it's my summer vacation, I get to work 9hrs on a company, plus my chores at home, then some reading and watching news...and an hour for visiting this site :D

03-30-2006, 05:50 AM
When I was at school I hardly did anything ( by that mean I didnt lock my self up studying for hours everyday. In fact generally manged to read a novel aday and keep on track with school. But now Im at work 9 till 5 3 days a week and 9 till 8 two days a week and I dont have time for anything. :( Luckily Im only working this much to cover till ther new guy starts tyhem Ill be back to a reasnable amount.


03-30-2006, 12:22 PM
I get to school at 8 am and leave school at 3:30 pm, on monday and tuesday I work 5 pm to 9 pm and on the weekends I work 9 am - 5 pm.
During the summer I work usually 8 am - 4 pm (full time employment! :thumbs_up )
so... I study whenever I am not sleeping, eating, working, schooling, or hanging out here, or playing PS2. (usually during my spares)

so...freaking 13 hour days...1 hour bus rides to and from...total 17 hours I am awake, and 7 I am asleep. :goof:

At the end of the week, Sunday...also the beggining, I have some time off! :thumbs_up

I am always reminded of the ol 'welcome to the first day of the rest of your life' sign... :D

03-30-2006, 02:31 PM
so...freaking 13 hour days
I will never complain again sheeesh you pooor thing.

03-30-2006, 02:34 PM
wow, seems like everybody's got a very tight schedule....

03-30-2006, 04:19 PM
wow, seems like everybody's got a very tight schedule....

Hmm I don't...
I will in one month, finally...
But in the past months I've been not doing much... well first I was writing my thesis (which I did for just 2-3 hours a day anyway) then I worked in a place for a couple of months, very relaxed though, 9 to 17 or earlier, but it also paid nothing...
So now I have no schedule... and no real hobbies besides reading and foruming and going out to do things I need to do or just see people. And occasionally trying to put my laziness aside and studying some language by myself (which I can't do, I need a teacher).
I've been stupid, I'm wasting time...I should have taken a language course or something to cover these 3 useless months, but I've been undecisive (or is it indecisive, I always forget) and unsure of the times because I'm going away again soon (hhmm I guess it's time to announce it...thread will follow) so I didn't know if I could enrol for a course which would last several months...

When I was at Uni, well actually there was no real schedule either, but I usually didn't touch the computer until after dinner, as I was usually at Uni or doing something. I've never studied really much, well sometime some 4-5 hours in exam period, but not that amount every single day... (except for one crazy exam but that's another story).

So uhm... I'm one of those who wonders how can people have a life and yet find the time to come here. I mean, many hobbies besides work. I don't have hobbies like gym and such because I find it boring, but maybe I should... I'd meet real people at least :roll: (not to mention my size is reaching unhealthy proportions...)

03-30-2006, 04:44 PM
Hey, how come we can't see who voted for their catagory? Was that intentional or did it just happen that way?

03-30-2006, 07:05 PM
...but I've been undecisive (or is it indecisive, I always forget)...
Indecisive. ;)

03-31-2006, 05:19 AM
Hey, how come we can't see who voted for their catagory? Was that intentional or did it just happen that way?

oops, err.. i think i didn't check that box... I'll see if i can change it...