View Full Version : Setting Essay

03-27-2006, 07:00 PM
Hello there. Although I've read many a book, this is my first post here since my question is urgent.
My English teacher assinged me a rather difficult topic for an essay on Great Expectations. This is it:

Does Dickens portray London negitively or positively in GE? Why is London important in this novel?

I have come up w/ a few ideas such as it was protrayed negitively to show Pips development into a rude and pretentious person to the people that have helped him the most. This gives Pip a negitive feel to most readers, just like London.

I don't know. It is what I have. I can't change the topic or my thesis idea now, its a little late in the game, so some feedback and ideas for my essay would be lovely.
