View Full Version : Caught up, in a poem

10-29-2003, 12:05 AM
Sort of odd posting a poem a week, but seeing my other thread near the top, but threads enjoy survival.

This is basically me wanting to not think, to not be as smart as I am. To lose myself so that I can find myself. Because art is the only thing that brings me closer to that, I seek out that, rather than things which only cloud me and lose more of myself, by other people, other things, education of that which I do not need. I'll just let the poem go on...

Caught Up

Just stare, and think of today;
feel your throat dry up in decay.
Swallow your disgust and anger,
repress it into your mind for release;
trapped in your skull only dragging you down.

Heated in darkness, you seek ignorance,
never possible with your intelligence.
Kept to the thoughts, and lost in yourself,
forgetting the person who you once were,
becoming that which you merely observe.

Glance back to spot the social associates,
discussing life with someone who doesn't have one.
From the outside looking in,
burning away in a desert hour glass;
forgetting and never forgiving,
the ways my thoughts seem to never pass.

Caught in my skin, and fighting free;
looking for tension released, from this mind I don't see.
Not even wanting to think, only to be,
to create enough of my mind,
to finally find me.

10-29-2003, 12:26 AM
"to create enough of my mind
To finally find me."

I liked the whole poem and I'd die to have been the one who wrote hose last two lines.

10-29-2003, 12:43 AM
Heh, thanks.. Why the last two? You just liked them ... or what?

I sorta felt it could've ended better.

10-31-2003, 01:46 AM
I SAID I liked the whole poem. But yes- especially, I liked those o lines and I can't think of a bettr ending - unless of course you come up with one and post it! ;)

11-09-2003, 12:29 AM
I enjoyed this and also want to bump back onto first page of topics. ;)

11-09-2003, 12:44 AM
heh, Thank you very much. *must..bump*