View Full Version : My Parent's anneversary gift

02-26-2006, 11:49 PM
The Livingroom

A poet's tears are taught to cry when read
Soulfully when together, or alone, but
In the presence and union of our dead.
The sweet subtle moments when the world-out is shut,
When we share in pleading with the dead living:
A great part of the time when He abides in us
And we hope for the life that the dead are giving
We fall with each other onto the dead with trust.
All within the heart of the house. Other times
Ominous art is made by your childeren grown up!
We will laugh with the lyrics of arpegio climbs
Or the colours or the words that our emotions may drop.
These are some of the wonders that this room has seen
Though the blessings are yours for you're served with the scene.