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02-22-2006, 10:50 AM
Good evining every body
I want to know what is the meaning by

A remarkable characteristic of Shakespeare's plays is his disregard for the classical unities of time, place and action, which he partly observed only in Othello and the Tempest.

I want to know more about this idea (( the classical unities of time, place and action)) whether by web site or essays or more detailes about it

and thankyou very much

02-22-2006, 10:53 AM
where are you????

02-22-2006, 11:34 AM

The classical unities are conventions supposed to have been observed by classical Greek playwrights.

The action of a play should be contained within one day (unity of time) and one place and one dramatic action.

For example, a classical play about President Kennedy would not take the same form as a film. The film would probably show Kennedy's life, his political rise, the issues he face and dealt with, and his eventual assassination. The classical play would have the assassination as its dominant action, and would portray the day of the assassination in Dallas. Maybe the Chorus would tell something of Kennedy's life, in explaining why they were all waiting to see him. Probably the assassin would say something about the issues, in explaining why he was about to murder Kennedy, but, within the play, everything would point towards the assassination itself. (The murder would not be shown on stage, as, in classical Greek theatre, death was obscene, that is something that took place out of sight.)

If you are writing an essay, you can take any Shakespeare play, and show that it covered a greater period of time than one day, and happened in more than one place, and involved more than one dramatic action - in other words any Shakespeare play is more like a modern film than a classical Greek play.

02-22-2006, 06:01 PM
(The murder would not be shown on stage, as, in classical Greek theatre, death was obscene, that is something that took place out of sight.)Wow, I did not know that. Thanks, Whifflingpin! :) I wish modern people were still that classy (no pun intended).

02-23-2006, 03:31 AM
Thanksfulness Whifflingpin
but I want the classical unities for Shakespeare's plays
i wait for you

02-23-2006, 07:17 AM
Sorry Needing, but you will have to do the work. You will have to read one of the plays at least (or maybe you could get away with a synopsis of a play.) You will have to decide whether each of the unities is observed - probably unity of time and place won't be, but maybe unity of action will be.

Start your essay by explaining, in your words, what the three unities are.

Discuss a play - maybe Othello - Does the play happen all in one place? No, but I'll let you work out the different places. Does the play describe the happening of just one day? No, but you'll have to explain the time scale. Does the play have one dominating centre of interest? Probably, but you will have to determine what that is, and maybe show why any side issues contribute to the main theme, rather than distracting from it.

If you are more familiar with a different play, you can still ask the same questions.

When you have shown how far the unities are maintained in the play, you could end by giving your ideas on why Shakespeare used them or not.

03-05-2006, 11:16 AM