View Full Version : Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

02-16-2006, 06:40 PM
Yes I'm another student coming to everyone for help.

I have to write a paper called guess who's coming to dinner. If anyone has some ideas that would help that would be awesome. I kind of know what I'm going to say, but any other ideas would be amzing.

1. List nine historical figures from any chapters or lectures that have taken place (basically 1890-1980)
2. Plan the seating arrangement at the table.
3. Arrange the guests with congenial dinner partners so that conversation will be lively and stimulating. Avoid seating together characters who might be antagonistic to one another.
4. Write about why you chose this arrangement and what the topics of conversation might be.

The characters do not have to be living at the same time.

Thanks to anyone who has some ideas. <><

02-17-2006, 01:54 AM
WOW that is a cool assignment! I would love to help but the time frame that you give has some of the best and some of the worst authors ever inthe English language.
To make the crude statment that I can't help but to make ... put all the beatnicks at the far end of the table because they don't deserve to eat with Yeats and Huxley.
best of luck to you!

02-17-2006, 09:14 AM
Thanks for trying to help. These characters don't have to be authors, they can be characters from history too. Help is much appreciated. <><

02-17-2006, 10:30 AM
Well being that February is Black History Month you could use some of the people that started the civil rights movement. Also some of the Civil War vets. And even some people that fought in the wars between your time frame or that were apart of some of the wars. Maybe invite Hitler hehe. He would dictate the potatos. lol

02-18-2006, 04:42 PM
I have the same assignment from 1920-1980. Some of the people I might include in the dinner are Hitler, Stalin, King Jr.,...any one alive between this time period and that can relate to US History. I have no idea who I will invite.

02-18-2006, 05:33 PM
Ok. Here's my nine based on the 1890-1980 time period:
Two novelists: Joseph Conrad & William Faulkner
Two poets: William Butler Yeats & T.S. Eliot
Two Composers: Igor Stravinsky & Duke Ellington
Two moralists: Mahatma Gandhi & Martin Luther King, Jr.
Final person: Winston Churchill

Unfortunately no women. A boring party.

02-18-2006, 06:53 PM
OK, but, maybe not all good guys, and not the "worst" bad guys.

So, clockwise round the table
Victoria to preside
Martin Luther King
Rosa Luxemburg
Walt Disney
Eva Peron
Laurie Lee

02-20-2006, 03:43 PM
Hey everyone, thanks for all the help you gave me on this report. I have to write it tomorrow as part of my final. I hope it goes ok. All the names you guys gave were really good. There are so many awesome people from this time frame that it's hard to pick only 9. Well anyways, I really appreciate everyone taking the time to help out another student. <><