View Full Version : How will you remember 2005?

01-08-2006, 12:49 AM
How will you remember 2005?

How did it affect you personally?

Any regrets or proud moments which will stick with you?

01-08-2006, 01:05 AM
Good thought for a thread, Scher.

How will you remember 2005?

The most salient thing that happened to me this year was that my father had to go into a nursing home in July (getting pneumonia in June) and is still there rehabilitating his way to getting home.

How did it affect you personally?

Other than the stress, worry, medical discussions and decisions, and general lack of free time...

Any regrets or proud moments which will stick with you?

Regrets: As the song as says "they've been a few, but then again too few to mention."

Proud moments: I'm proud that at work, my department turns to me to manage the tough, important projects. It has doubled my work load unfortunately (what's the saying: if you want something done, give it to someone who's busy). The reason they turn to me is because I'm thoughtful and disacplined in my approach, people like working for me, and because I systemmatically think through problems rather than impulsively react. I'm proud of my accomplishments.

01-08-2006, 01:24 AM
Among other, hugely significant things, 2005 will be the year I joined the LitNet Forums.

01-08-2006, 02:41 AM
I moved out of my parents house to go to school. I didn't ask out a certain little lady. I read the best books I'v read yet in 2005. I got scholarships and moved up in rank with my youth organization. I found out that stress is a great medium for God to reveal His plan for me. I discovered and rediscovered some excelent music. I tightened my realtionship with my family. ...And despite how wonderful last year seems to be, I think I worried more in 2005 than ever before in my callow life. It was a great year though.

01-08-2006, 03:30 AM
I joined this forum.

I read too many lovely books and learnt a lot.

I watched several movies and heard many different songs.

It was my last year of childhood, I can never forget it.

Now, I comes on the mistakes I did and the things happened which I resented:

A terrible earthquake came and many people were effected and it also spoilt my Eid Day (it is the most well-known festival here, we did not celebrate it happily as we used to)

I failed in Maths.

I was a naughty girl in 2005.

Still, 2005 is probably my best year as long as I can remember.

01-08-2006, 08:58 AM
I finished school joined here 5 years since my gradfather died, 1 year since my cousin.
Began taking driving lessons. Yassir Arfat died.
Started working and paying taxes bought my first boots with money I earned.
joined here Discovered that friendships dontlast forever.
got accepted into Uni.
Discovered some unnice truths about myself.

01-08-2006, 09:05 AM
I will remember 2005 as a year of opposites. I had moments of joy and moments of sadness.
But overall I can say it was a year of reasonable advancement, in which I learned a lot about human behaviour.

It is also the year that I joined the literature network.

My biggest regret of 2005 is not always doing what I should do, often lacking the decision making that is essential to personal growth. Proud moments include all the times I did make decisions that lead to further personal growth.

01-08-2006, 12:25 PM
I will remember 2005 as a year of suffering, many deaths and of course grief.
but they in turn made me turn into the fierce winds with a face like flint. knowing my mortality and the things God has put into my heart to accomplish for the suffering and poor and displaced I am more determined than ever to cast aside all superfluous things and work harder than ever before.
I am close to completing my faeries stories for approval and publication so it has been a fruitful year.
And I did a very odd thing for me-I joined a lit forum because I liked the colors.
I had no idea what a rainbow of beautiful people I would find and learn from and grow to love.

kilted exile
01-08-2006, 01:13 PM
I will remember 2005 as the best year of my life so far; the year I stopped worrying about things and just got on with enjoying life; and the year I stopped being a student.

I have no regrets about this past year.

01-08-2006, 01:39 PM
Among other, hugely significant things, 2005 will be the year I joined the LitNet Forums.And for us, it will be the year RobinHood3000 joined the Forum!


01-08-2006, 01:53 PM
2005... The year I failed out of college. The year I won praise as a player in Macbeth (and which, incidentally, made my boyfriend first pay attention to me). The year I made the wrong decision, and am still dreaming of what could have been, and what might still be. The year I moved into my own apartment. The year I first quit a job. The year I realized what I really want to do with my life.

And, now that I think of it, I think it was the year I grew up.

01-08-2006, 03:00 PM
wow, Em
yordi fordi yordi(translated from muppet -hearty congratulations)

01-08-2006, 03:03 PM
The year I won praise as a player in Macbeth (and which, incidentally, made my boyfriend first pay attention to me).
Did you play Lady Macbeth?

01-08-2006, 03:09 PM
2005... The year I failed out of college.

Hey I did that once.


Let's see, I lost a job. That wouldn't be a big deal but a coworker paraphrased it as "The best of times, the worst of times". The working conditions stunk, it was a small broke company that didn't pay very well but my coworkers and I made it work longer than we thought possible and we had really great times, at that job I learned how good I can be (no that's not too arrogant). I found a new, way better job (as did most of us), moved out of state. Last year was like a start to a whole new life, my only regret is that I let my running slip, I was ready to run a 10K last year. Today my legs are sore from very basic easy running I did yesterday.

01-08-2006, 03:14 PM
Papaya - You asked about satelite or internet radio. Scher was telling me in a PM that she uses YIM from the internet. This is her message. Hope it helps you.

Have you got Yahoo Instant Messenger (YIM) installed on your PC? It has a radio station which you can personalise by choosing the type of music you want it to play along with artists/songs. If you keep rating (an banning the ones you don't care about), after a while it plays only the kind of music you like.


01-08-2006, 04:12 PM
Did you play Lady Macbeth?
No, they wouldn't give that role to a freshman, silly. :D The casting was gender-blind, and there were actually only two men in the cast. I played Banquo, Lady Macduff, and Siward (lots of costume changes!).

Weeping Willow
01-08-2006, 04:51 PM
This year will be remembered as the year i finish serving the army.
The year i read a lot (but not enough).. found a job for the first time
And worked for my own money..
Quit the job and got one way better which i will sadly leave when i'll fly away to travel.. hopfuly soon!...
The year My dear Grandmother died.. :( and the subject of life and death settled in my heart never to leave me free again..
The year i met new Beautiful people at work.. and all of you here ..
I love you all.
The year i turned 22! a year that would never return..........


Papaya - You asked about satelite or internet radio. Scher was telling me in a PM that she uses YIM from the internet. This is her message. Hope it helps you.

Papaya go to
you just write a name of a song or an artist and it creats a radio station with similier music! i love it...

01-08-2006, 05:05 PM
Oh, my god, I love you, Willow. That's the most wonderful thing ever!

01-08-2006, 05:12 PM
This year will be remembered as the year i finish serving the army.
And worked for my own money..
Very nice Willow. Didn't you get paid in the army?

No, they wouldn't give that role to a freshman, silly. :D The casting was gender-blind, and there were actually only two men in the cast. I played Banquo, Lady Macduff, and Siward (lots of costume changes!).
:lol: Wow. :lol: That sounds like fun. Must of been something to watch.

01-08-2006, 05:27 PM
ha Yahoo launch. That is awwwwwwwwwwwful al those adverts its nerve racking.
Pretty much like regualar non-bbc radio come to think of it.

Weeping Willow
01-08-2006, 05:28 PM
Very nice Willow. Didn't you get paid in the army?

EDIT - *Please ignore what's writen in here it's a mistake*...

Yes if you count 359 NIS for a month as being paid....
1 NIS = about 4.5 American $
or 5.6 Euro
or 8 English pound!

Oh, my god, I love you, Willow. That's the most wonderful thing ever

Thank you i love you too :D hope it would help you some how...

01-08-2006, 05:36 PM
Yes if you count 359 NIS for a month as being paid....
1 NIS = about 4.5 American $ That's still more than twice as much as I make. :bawling:

01-08-2006, 05:43 PM
ha Yahoo launch. That is awwwwwwwwwwwful al those adverts its nerve racking.I don't get any adverts???

01-08-2006, 05:45 PM
ahhhhhh 8 pounds?
But wait its all relative right? I mean if your currency is higher than things still cost the same. Sya I want to buy a bottle of water its 1 l.e in Egypt and its 1 pound sterling in england the fact that theres abou 12 L.E give or take difference between then is irelevant. So whats the word Im looking for? corispondenly? reflectivley? one of those parrallel linking words anyway its not much, is it?
More than I make though in numbers without currency.
Wait the euro is more expensive then the pound? when did that happen? Rats tails and I wanted to change some money for the airport too.

Weeping Willow
01-08-2006, 05:51 PM
OPss huge huge mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!
opps!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

it's 1 $ = 4.5 NIS
and 1 euro = 5.6 NIS
And 1 English pound = 8 NIS..
oppsss i sooo sorry ... got confused :confused:...
hope you forgive..

01-08-2006, 05:53 PM
OPss huge huge mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!!
opps!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

it's 1 $ = 4.5 NIS
and 1 euro = 5.6 NIS
And 1 English pound = 8 NIS..
oppsss i sooo sorry ... got confused :confused:...
hope you forgive..
Oh, that's huge mistake! You're right, that's nothing.

Weeping Willow
01-08-2006, 05:58 PM
I know it like 0.30 NIS for an hour! :(..

01-08-2006, 06:04 PM
Ah, now that makes more sense. I was thinking, "What's this magical currency that's more valuable than the Euro??" :eek2: :lol:

Weeping Willow
01-08-2006, 06:06 PM
Sorry... :(...

01-08-2006, 06:13 PM
Hey, no problem. You didn't put cyanide in the soup by mistake, or anything. (Or did you?...:goof:)

01-08-2006, 06:20 PM
HUmm maybe Im not listening to the right thing, or rather was my sister loadeed a trojan and we had to format and now to realoneplayer so listening to things online has gotten iffy at best. :D
Cynaide in the soup that remins me of an advert on ITV a couple of months back for a drama set on a "bizzare true story" the daffodil days I think it was called went like this ehemm
" there once was a man who hated daffodils.
He hated them so much he use arsnic on them.
He also hated his wife."

Weeping Willow
01-08-2006, 06:23 PM
Maybe.. .. :goof:
But wait a minute you're the Swedish chef arn't you??? so you made the soup!

01-08-2006, 06:36 PM
Ahhhhhh emily your killing camilla gonzo's chicken!

01-08-2006, 06:42 PM
We started the Live Chat (http://www.online-literature.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12524) thread in 2005 too!


01-08-2006, 06:54 PM
yes you did, I also want to say Scher had all sorts of wierd and wonderful titles during the year too.

01-08-2006, 07:14 PM
Lady Macduff-now THERE'S a rewarding role.

01-08-2006, 07:48 PM
Lady Macduff-now THERE'S a rewarding role.Oh yes, I had a fabulous death scene. And the director decided to portray it as if she were having an affair with Ross, so when we first entered, Ross was helping to zip up my dress, and he proceeded to put his shoes on before he left. :lol: It was funny. And then I died.

01-08-2006, 08:59 PM

You know, there's a limit to how far artistic license can go...:lol:

Miss Darcy
01-08-2006, 10:17 PM
Interesting thread, Scher.

How will you remember 2005?

I will remember 2005 for a lot of things...only looking back do I realise how much I've changed in the past year. 2005 was the year my family moved from the coastal hinterland of Queensland (Australia) to Sydney...

...2005 was the year I started having lessons with my wonderful new violin teacher...

...2005 was the year I joined the SBS Orchestra...

...2005 was the year I went on tour to Europe with the orchestra...

...2005 was the year I got first place in my Czech HSC (final year of school) exams...

...2005 was the year I was accepted into uni.

Who knows what awaits this year.

01-08-2006, 11:01 PM
2005 was a good year for me personally, but I'll remember it as another year of war, a man-made disaster worse than hurricanes or tsunamis.

Proud moments? Every day when I capture the truth in writing.

Regrets are foolish. What's done is a fatality that can never be undone. If I did something, I was meant to do it and I respect inevitability.

01-09-2006, 12:14 AM
Thats an interesting philosphy starrwriter. I don't know if regrets are really foolish. Well, maybe they are, but i don't know what inevitability has to do with regretting stuff. We all have our regrets --but maybe they help us to grow and mature ... and possibly discover the living truth in an art form. ;)
In which case, I am proud of regretting some things. In the mean time, 2005 was good for me.

01-09-2006, 02:15 AM
i don't know what inevitability has to do with regretting stuff ...
Some actions are not a matter of conscious choice. They just happen, like rain in a desert. Regretting them would be second guessing reality, which is pointless.

01-09-2006, 12:03 PM
Memories of 2005: chaos, turmoil, and death.
People who died that I wish hadn't: Pope John Paul II, Jakobin, me.
People who should have died: err, well there were quite a few.
news event: Pope John Paul's Death, and the natural disasters.
Quote: "Death is only the beggining" I think sums up the year.
Most touching moment of '05: Well It was almost on this date in 05 that I was given another chance atlife, although be it a somewhat cursed life, I have yet to seek forgiveness or come to terms with the day yet, it would seem to me that I have chosen a fate, and now only through the grace of God could it be changed.

Good things in '05:
I got a laptop, a playstation 2 and ironically a deeper understanding of humanity.
Pope Benidict XVI was ellected.
and I started my own business.

01-09-2006, 02:05 PM
2005: The year i won most of the music competitions or inter college festivals i participated in.... :banana: YAY!!
and the year that gave me the maximum chances as yet to do stage presentations/compereing at intercollege functions and church functions! :) something i always wanted to do when i was a little child

:D :banana: :banana:

01-09-2006, 03:35 PM
Moving halfway across the country, good friends lost, New Orleans devastated. The first time I visited Chicago, drinking Bahamian rum-punch with beautiful people in Harbour Island, hiking the Ka'apoko tunnel trail in Kauai. Discovering Haiku.

01-10-2006, 10:10 AM
This ought to do it, since I met many new friends, discussed things to the bitter end sometimes and still came out friends most of the time, and lost one dear friend, Jakobin.

I triumphed over my illness at times, and at times it triumped over me. My daughter graduated from High School and started college. Changes took place in the world that were devestating. Things took place nearer home that were heartache. We rejoiced and we sorrowed. We lived. We existed. We survived.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." Charles Dickens

01-25-2006, 12:44 PM
Neat thread...

Last year went by in a flash huh...I mean..Time used to be lil slower before..

heh..My year..was very diferent then most other years..
>I was accepted into CHSE which is a sort of college..
>All of my five bestfrends went abroad for higher studies..
>Changed my major..which I still cant believe I did..
>Worked for an opposing political party for sumtime & left it mildly confused about why people want to change the world when they cant change themselves..
>Fell in "crush"
>Fell out of "crush"
>Discovered that the period of fallin in & out of "crush" has resulted in me being very commitment phobiac..lol
>My family also lost loadsa money & now we are poorer.. :p

02-04-2006, 11:08 AM
I would like to remember 2005 as the year that I grew up really. Thinkig back other years I was so obnoxious. 2005 2005.... Hum hum....It wasn't all that bad. 2004 was way worse! But what's not bad when you're 14 heh?? :cool:

02-08-2006, 11:22 PM
What on earth???!!!! :confused:
Do you mean to tell me that THIS YEAR is NOT 2005?
Well that's just great, that's just dandy.
i WILL get a calendar , I WILL get a calendar
what a waste of a perfectly good 2005.

Miss Darcy
02-09-2006, 01:44 AM
I don't have a 2006 calendar yet either, Rachel...I was going to get one but by the time I went to buy it the shops had sold out all their universe-themed calendars, so I decided to wait and buy one later. It's February and I still haven't got around to it...

02-09-2006, 07:11 AM
In 2004/early '05 I worked for a company that I hated. I was also stuck in a relationship that I couldn't get out of or single and miserable. In March '05 the company sold up, and I got sold along with it. My new employers, although they work me quite hard, are so much better, and I needed that push. I also started seeing my boyfriend, who is lovely. We live together now and although he really pisses me off sometimes (that's just being in a relationship, isn't it), I couldn't be happier. 2005 was a good year.

Having said that, for trivial stuff that gets to people I had some pretty bad luck... car accident, illness, etc. But the good stuff vastly outweighed the bad. :D

02-09-2006, 11:23 AM
2005 a year that is like others. 2004, 2003, or 2005 are but numbers. But this last year is marked in my memory forever. First, I've found my second half, being in love. Afterwards, I've lost a part of me, surgical operation, and I've lost my health. I've been fortunate to find a job in the field that I like, teaching. I've made good friends especially from this forums, like nightshade, pencive, Eva, Pen, rachel, weeping willow, scheherazade, samantha, samercury just to name a few. But what was remarcable about this year is that I've leared something valuable, to be myself.

02-16-2006, 09:04 AM
It rained a lot in twenty o five. I also turned 14.

I'm closer to things I like now. That's good too.

Hello again. I posted a message twice and now I have to edit this one so as not to look stupid XD

Happy 2006 everyone!

02-16-2006, 09:40 AM
2005 - One of the fastest years. For me the year felt like it went by really fast. I just got used to 2005 now i'm trying to get used to 2006. It was over before it started. In 2005 I turned 16, took driving school, tryed smoking, took up bowling, got addicted to playing Second Life, went on 2 camping trips, and found out me my mom and I are going though those evil mom><teen hate years. Though the year went by fast it was a lot of fun of I had a nice handful of expierences. I know i'm a lot younger than most of the people in this fourm but I thought I would share how I will remember my 2005.

03-03-2006, 03:22 PM
Found out love was existent and regretted immediately having experienced it finally. Had go back to my much-hated life and job.

I hope 2006 will pass fast and so will the years to come.

Mililalil XXIV
03-15-2006, 07:22 PM
In the spring of 2005, I was buying myself a lunch. I avoided unnecessary interaction with females, as is customary with me - not for anti-feminist reasons, but to be a decent male, rather than a flirt. After I had just got some food without paying the deli workers much regard, I turned about and found the eyes of the person I knew at once GOD had created me of one essence with. I was troubled, and thought within myself, "Oh no, I know who you are!"

Months later, my brother mentioned that the mother of her best friend, who worked with him, had mentioned this young lady in advance as someone that would be working at his second workplace, where I also work. Without even having known this, I had singled her alone out of all the females I was ignoring, and had at once seen my Destiny in her face. Later it turned out I had gone Christmas caroling with her best friend years before - and her best friend's brother had been my brother's good friend at his other work place.

As time went by, I not only got to be acquainted with her, but discovered a great Providence unravelling in the matter. I had invited her to a group setting, but she being shy did not come. While I waited for the group that also was not at the cafe, I noticed a form pass me on crutches. I didn't want to look at some strange lady, but felt an inexplicable kinship to her.

As I still waited for anyone at all to show up, I heard the lady say her own first and last name aloud, as she recounted her conversation on the phone to some woman. Hearing her name, I looked up at her face, and, as I focused on it, I went back a number of years in my mind and saw her as a girl I once knew. I called over and mentioned who I was. She invited me for the following Saturday to meet with her and her friends again.

On the following Saturday, I suddenly felt to mention to her whom I had invited for coffee that other young lady I met up with at the cafe. I asked if she knew her. She looked at me with much surprise and said, "That's my cousin!" That night she was searching for her mother somewhere for a ride - because she hadn't used her own car that night - and she saw me with another of her cousins. The next day, she asked, "How do you know my cousins?"

Other things of the like have also unfolded in like manner, showing all things I am called to by GOD interwoven. I did go through months of being unable to really sleep, and in which I could eat no more than a few bites a day. 2005 was a great rousing of a soul timid about the adventure of Romance - like the introduction to life outside of the shire to Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit. (Not that I ever had an easy life before - but the worry of adventuring to win the hand of my own was always a thing I could earlier push to the future.)

In this all, I sought to pray more, and I saw that more Prayer opens doors confidently.

I should add with grateful remembrance, that Christmas Eve, 2005, was a dear gift from GOD - it was certainly the best Christmas ever. And I should remind myself in this newer year of a Prayer that GOD answered for me - seemingly against all odds - on New Year's Eve.

03-23-2006, 06:46 AM
I will remember 2005 for the enormous amount of golf I played trying to forget it.

04-07-2006, 12:22 PM
should i say that i wondered if we'r still in 2005 or moved to 2006. i checked the date
i really was uncertain if it was 2005 or 2006. to me either are the same; a number exchanged. but let me say that i develop personally through time. what i rememeber about 2005 is that i recognized myself to be more down to earth, knowing how to deal with the outside world, becoming more cynical and leading.

04-30-2006, 09:39 AM
the year I became a woman. lol.
Honestly, I'm joking. And anyway, that's ambiguous, dont have to be sexual...
2005? The year I started uni and on the path to growing up. (yeh right, me grow up. now thatl be a first)

05-24-2006, 05:16 AM
2005 for me is a good memorable time.I enter the universaty painstaking.I saw the big smile on my relatives'face.You can say that as a adolencent I feel accomplished.Alought,the rate of entering universaties is raising year by year.But I still want to praise myself .After all it is hard for me to do this in my area.Because I live in a small town,the education there is not so good as the big city.SO for us ,the competion is bigger.

05-24-2006, 11:16 PM
2005 best and worst year ever.
highest highs
lowest lows

nearest to life, nearest to death

May 2006 have even greater extremes.

06-06-2006, 06:42 PM
Ditto. Exept for the "best" bits.

2006 is going well!

06-25-2006, 07:51 AM
One more year was added to my life on earth till date. And that reminded me of things that I should have done till now. 2005 was very hectic...work, work and more work. But it was very fullfilling, me being a workaholic. I had to find time to think of getting married (parental pressure, you see), hate doing it, family keeps reminding you of how old you are, had to cope up with the pressure. Changed my job, shifted to a new prefession. I tried to overcoem my pessimism, have succeded a little bit. I also realised that being self reliant is the only way to live life.

07-04-2006, 11:26 PM
Fun! I'll remember it for the time I spent with my cousin, (although even more has taken place in 2006) which has given us innumerable chances to become even closer than we previously were. It was a year poor for romance but great for friendships, as all my good friends have become great friends and we have grown deep unshakable bonds. I'll also remember it as my awakening... as I feel I've really shaped up into a more mature and adult person over the course of the last year, and am filling out into the person I will be in years to come.

p.s. Madhuri at this exact moment we both have exactly 62 posts each!! How cool! :D

07-05-2006, 05:29 PM
Now you have both 64 posts each -- creeepy...

07-06-2006, 09:48 PM
And now, 68....!

09-15-2006, 01:49 PM
I'll remember it somewhat dramatically. That September, my boyfriend's mother died of a brain tumor. Disturbing memories.

09-16-2006, 05:08 AM
p.s. Madhuri at this exact moment we both have exactly 62 posts each!! How cool! :D

Now you have both 64 posts each -- creeepy...

And now, 68....!

Wow, I think Madhuri's been a little bit more energetic than TEND has been over the last three months. :D

Madhuri: 1298 posts

TEND: 252 posts

09-16-2006, 08:11 PM
Come on, you know it's all about quality not quantity :p .

09-22-2006, 03:39 AM
Really??? :brow:

09-22-2006, 12:29 PM
Really??? :brow:

Oh, you know I'm only joking. :D

09-27-2006, 12:48 AM
Nevermind TEND, this just shows that I have too much time to spend, and it also shows I have nothing else to do. I should find myself a better engagement.

another sara
10-31-2006, 03:02 PM
2005! really dont think about it that much but had a nice vacation:D

11-05-2006, 06:10 PM
the worst one year for me...