View Full Version : In Tune With Nature

12-25-2005, 08:42 PM
When I was a boy, I never wanted to go to bed at night. But AFTER I went to sleep, I didn't want to wake up and I started the day grouchy. I learned to hate alarm clocks, which my parents couldn't understand.

When I was married, I wanted to stay married. But things eventually went haywire and I got a divorce. Now I only want to stay single.

Whatever I'm doing, I want it to continue forever. It's inertia: unless acted upon by an outside force, an object (in this case, me) will continue in its present state. If it's moving, it will keep moving. If stationary, it will remain at rest. (Resting is the best part of inertia.)

I admit it -- I'm a slave to inertia. Also to entropy, the tendancy for orderly things to become slowly disorganized. It's fortunate I studied physics so I could realize that my personal attributes are perfectly in tune with the nature of the universe. Other people are freaks.