View Full Version : Die for the Living

10-22-2005, 04:46 PM
Tell us what you think . . . be honest, but be nice!!! :angel:

Chapter one
From Love Comes Life

They say some stories should never be told. They say some stories should be locked away from the world and kept a secret. But I don’t think this is one of those stories.

In the days of old, when man was not alone on Earth, two beautiful sisters lived together. They were both witches. In those days witches were very common. Yet they weren’t the sort that you read about in books and fairy tales of prince charming and white horses. They didn’t cast spells to turn people into frogs, nor did they wear pointed black hats and ride brooms. They were simply . . . gifted, every witch had his or her own, very unique, supernatural talent. A talent that they used every day to help make other peoples lives easier.

Unlike the stories, witches were not feared, it was mainly because most of them used their talents to help mankind, some could heal the sick and injured with the touch of a finger, some could talk to those that no longer walked or lived among us and some could even read minds and predict the future.

This story begins with two sisters, their names were Hendra and Lyra. These two sisters were twins and they shared a very powerful gift, they could control the forces of nature. Lyra could control the weather; she could also play with fire. Whereas Hendra could turn into an owl and make trees and plants, grow from the solid rock with a single touch.

The two of them practiced spells and potions to cure the sick and they used their powers to help farmers in the village to grow their crops. In return the farmer would give them milk and eggs, they also received bread from the baker and meat from the butcher. It was not a lot but it was enough.

There was only one problem, not every witch is good, one day Lyra returned home from helping at the hospital earlier than her sister had expected. When Lyra went into the cellar to put the eggs she had received for her help away she found Hendra practicing dark magic for her own pleasures and needs. This was forbidden, it was this sort of witchcraft that gave witches a bad name in the end.

Lyra had decided to tell the high council of her town. The high council was a group of elders that helped the king make laws and keep the city under control. When they heard of Hendra’s deceitful actions they banished her from the kingdom and told her never to return.

Three years later Lyra was accepted to be part of the high council, she was appointed to be the kings personal messenger and was in charge of writing notes on each meeting and keeping a record of them. This was when it happened. This was when she fell head over heals in love. Lyra was in early twenties and the minute she lay eyes upon the king she felt something she had never felt before, she felt the very rare feeling of true love. The King was also in his twenties and, just like Lyra was madly in love.

About a year later they got married, the whole town was invited and everyone turned up to pay their respects to the new couple. They lived very happily and ruled their kingdom fairly.

Everyone had forgotten about Hendra. This was a mistake, a truly dreadful mistake. She was still out there, somewhere.

Life in Volantis carried on as normal. Then one year, on the first day of spring, princess Opal was born! There was a huge celebration in the church hall a few weeks later and the whole town came baring gifts of small wooden toys for the baby and rich food for the feast. But among the happy crowd of smiling faces a dark shadow had drifted in unnoticed.

Lyra stood up to thank everyone for there generosity. There was a flash of light and a thick purple smoke filled the air. The smoke began to clear and as it did so, another figure appeared on stage, it was Hendra. Nobody moved. It was as if the room was filled with statues.
“ Get out ! ” Cried Lyra through clenched teeth, trying not to show her fear.
“ No, ” Replied Hendra smoothly. “ I was banished from your miserable little kingdom almost eleven years ago to this day, once word reached me of my new little niece, ” She waved her hand towards Opal and smiled. “ I decided to come and give you all what you deserved. ”

By this time Theastle’s guards were running up to the platform that the two sisters were standing on. Hendra pulled a large staff from under her long black cloak without even giving them a glance, the whole time she kept her eyes on Lyra. The staff was thin and made of bright white wood with a small black orb placed on top.

Hendra slammed the staff down onto the ground and a huge wall appeared in front of the guards blocking their path to the Queen. The wall was made of thick thorny branches that were matted together to form a giant barrier.

Hendra raised her staff high in the air and pointed at baby Opal who had now woken up. She uttered a quick spell and the tip of her staff began to glow dark red. Theastle and Lyra stood in front of the crib to protect her, the staff unleashed an amazing blast and both of them were knocked off their feet. Hendra edged forward towards Opal’s crib.

There was a very loud snapping sound and a massive tangle of thorny branches fell on top of Hendra. Seventeen guards appeared in heavy armour through the gap that they had managed to cut in the wall. And by some lucky coincidence it had landed on Hendra, knocking her out but not killing her.

But the King and Queen were not as lucky, the blast they took for their daughter had been fatal and Lyra had died ! ! ! The king however had been protected, by a small golden pendant that he wore around his neck. The blast from Hendra’s staff could not penetrate through the pendant, not because it was made f gold but because it was given to him as a gift to show love. This was the only thing in the world that Hendra’s magic could not destroy, love.

Chapter two
A Witch Without Magic

As the guards fought their way through the ragged gap in the thorns, king Theastle regained consciousness and ordered his guards to take Hendra to the tower and take away her magical staff.

Hendra was taken up three hundred steps to the tallest tower in the east side Volantis, without her staff she could not use her magic so it was no problem to lock her away.

Hendra’ magic was contained within the crystal ball on top of her staff, to prevent her using the magic it was removed from the staff and placed in a tall tower on the opposite side of the city. A guard was put on look-out outside Hendra’s room, he was released from his post every four hours.

The King decided not to remarry even though he was urged to do so by many people in the high council. He decided that you only found love once and, luckily, Lyra’s love had saved him. Instead of betraying her he would stay loyal, until death when they could be together again, for eternity.

Fifteen years passed and Opal grew up to be a beautiful young woman, she was tall and slim with very long chestnut hair. She had beautiful lips and eyes that could see straight through you.

Meanwhile, Hendra remained locked away from the world while feelings of hatred and revenge kept eating away inside her. Luckily for the people of Volantis she was a mere mortal without her staff and as far as they could see, there was no way possible for Hendra to get it.
It was on her Sixteenth birthday that the most remarkable thing happened to Opal, she had the gift. Her mother’s gift. When King Theastle found out he was thrilled beyond belief! Opal was sitting reading one of her books that her father had bought for her, she loved to read, when all of a sudden the fire place lit up and all of the candles in the room were burning brighter than ever. When the council heard this they were also very pleased. Just to make sure they did various tests to see if she could control the magic. They found she, just like her mother, could also control the weather. Whenever she was sad it would rain in Volantis, but they wanted her to learn how to focus it so it would only happen when she wanted it to. To do this they hired her a tutor, she would practice her magic for four hours a day and resume normal lessons for another three.

The citizens of Volantis were all very exited, witches were not as common as they had once been and to have a witch as a future queen was going to help everyone in the city.

One day Hendra overheard the guards talking outside her door. She was not as pleased as everyone else at Opal’s new found powers, this only added to her thoughts of hatred towards King Theastle. But still she remained locked up, plotting her revenge, and Theastle’s demise.

Three weeks after Opal’s became sixteen Volantis celebrated its most important holiday . . . the birthday of King Valomere. King Valomere was the founding father of the city of Volantis, he was a wise warlock who set up a camp for tired travellers. Most of the travellers liked it so much that decided to stay and help Valomere make it into a proper place for people to live.

They celebrate his birthday by singing, dancing, reciting poems and planting trees and flowers to show how something new can grow when you lend a helping hand.

Sadly Valomere had gone completely insane trying to work out the meaning of life and had been spotted running into the woods by a traveler screaming something about squirrels controling his fate and was never heard from again.

Opal was helping to plant the trees in a small field near the palace gardens. It was a beautiful day as it had been yesterday, the celebration lasts for five days and on the last day the feast of a thousand men is enjoyed by the whole town in the great hall.

More to come if it becomes popular!!!

10-24-2005, 03:19 AM
You've got a nice little story here. May I ask, was it meant to be a fairy tale or a novel? Cos it sounds like a fairy tale.
I found this part kind of weird though:

The problem with Valomere was that he went completely mad trying to figure out the meaning of life.
Sounds strange to me. Perhaps you should expound further, or use something less extreme as "went completely mad."

I haven't made the connection between the title and the story yet. I hope more comes! :)

10-24-2005, 11:38 AM
Thanks, I've gone back and made a change to it because re-reading it made me realise I did need to expand on the point!

10-25-2005, 08:50 AM
Sadly Valomere had gone completely insane trying to work out the meaning of life and had been spotted running into the woods by a traveler screaming something about squirrels controling his fate and was never heard from again.
Whoa..so you really want this Valomere guy to be mad huh? :nod:

So what happens while Opal's planting trees?