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09-11-2005, 08:41 PM
On 5th November 1902 Rowland Jones went into the premises of R Young bookseller bookbinder and stationer in Old Queen Street, Nottingham and purchased volumes 12 & 13 of The Windsor Shakespeare. He paid ten shillings and was given a receipt, he then went home with his purchases and wrote his name and the date inside the book then filed the receipt between the leaves of volume 12. He had been buying either one volume or two during 1902 at five shillings each. He finally completed his collection in April 1903. He wrote his name and the date of purchase in every volume and dutifully filed the receipts in the appropriate volume. I don't know whether he every read the entire Shakespeare, and I don't know anything more about Rowland Jones but 103 years later I'm still reading the volumes and the receipts are still in the volumes where Rowland Jones placed them.