View Full Version : Help please

08-04-2005, 01:12 AM
I'm a person who hates reading and likes to play on the computer. 2 months now and I havent finished the Scarlet Letter. Finding the symbols are easy. reading it fast and thoroughly is hard. I just want to read that thing like people do with Harry Potter. Buzz right thru it. But i just cant. My mind goes somewhere else. Sometimes I can read the Scarlet letter when it is interesting but other times my mind wonders off. Can someone give me any advice? Cuz I got 3 more books after this, The Jungle, and 2 autobiographies, which I know I can read them fast.

08-16-2005, 01:05 AM
If you finished the book already, then this whole message I am about to write is pointless, so don't continue reading if you don't want to. If you haven't been able to finish it, then let me just warn you that it sucked. I just read it like a week ago because I have this summer reading project that I have to do for this AP History course I'm taking next year. So yeah, enough about my life, and right to the point...skip the intro. of 'The Custom House' because it'll just make things even more confusing, besides even if you don't read it, you'll still understand the story. It's not that complicated...umm, don't forget to have a dictionary on hand because if you are as bad with your vocabulary as I am then it'll help, if not, I still suggest that you have one near you. If you really get bored and start feeling that you can't read another sentence, then take a short break, and 'force' yourself to read the stupid thing even if you hate doing it. If you're kind of confused about the plot or the different symbols and stuff after finishing the book, go on some search-engine like google, and type up 'The Scarlet Letter.' They have like all of these different notes specifically focused on the book. It helps. However, I'm sure that you already thought of this yourself so....whatever. Entirely pointless message, but can you blame me for being bored out of my mind? I don't think so.

08-16-2005, 01:10 PM
Yes, I would have responded to this thread also, having remembered seeing it, but it lacked many specifics - of what sort of symbols do you search?
Unfortunately, Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, I have found, many readers dislike, yet probably because the novel seems required for several English courses in high schools and colleges. Perhaps, I stand as one of those people who loved the novel, though mandatory. True, some of the vocabulary got slightly complex, for someone at my age, at the time, but the symbolism spoke loudly - concepts of deviance, social values and morés, sacredness, and the idea of a mere patched letter altering the fate of a woman and her child.
Hopefully, Fudgeboy, you received, at least, a little enjoyment from Hawthorne's novel, for it speaks much louder than the average abstractly understood story.