View Full Version : Fallen Angels

Keltic Banshee
07-10-2005, 03:04 PM
Well, this story was originally written in Spanish, and the translation is not exactly very good, but well... hope you like it. The original story was written back in 2001, another of my "looooooong blue moods", but back then I still seemed able to write "not so depressing stories". Comments welcome, as always.

She had broken the rules, and she knew it. She had loved, she had surrendered to the warmth of a presence, the bitterness of farewells and the happiness of seeing each other again, knowing the consequences. And even knowing them, she never cared, because she never though they would dare to do it. But there she was, alone among her equals, silent but still clam, as she had always been, waiting for her punishment. Her eyes seemed to look far beyond everything that was before them, and when they stared at any of the people that surrounded her, they seemed to pierce to the deepest, trying to understand the reason for that situation. How ironic, how hipocritical, that beings born from love and to love, were punishing her for loving.

<There was no compassion in the eyes of those who surrounded him, only scorn, not a drop of understanding. He shook his head, moving his dark curls; they could never understand why he had done it, they could never feel what he had felt, they could never understand how hate could change into something completely different. They could never understand what made him smile now, being just about to suffer the hardest of punishments, what was that light shining in his eyes. He looked at them, one by one, any hope to make them understand already lost, challenging them to do it. >

She looked arround, her head up, her eyes calm. There were no tears in her eyes, not because she couldn't cry, as it was said, but because she felt what could be considered a punishment was not that bad. If they had looked at her, they might have noticed that she was nearly smiling in her calmness, as a contrast to many times here smile had hidden her tears. But nobody dared to keep her look, as if they knew there was no reason for that punishment. Maybe they expected her to plead for mercy, she thought, but she would never do it, as it meant admiting she had done something wrong, and she didn't consider she had.

<Suddenly, without a warning, he felt the dagger piercing his back, just where his wings met his body, tearing the joint. An unbearable pain shocked him while he started to fall, atracted by the light he had always hidden from. He closed his eyes, blinded by brightness, and clasped his teeth to prevent a cry of agony. Looking down, he could see his siblings turning their backs to him while he irremediably felt to that intermediate point between light and darkness that many called reality.>

Nobody spoke, but she heard the words: "thus she wanted, thus be it". Deadly slowly, one of them aproached her from behind, and she felt a soft touch in the back when the dagger hit her. She instantly started falling; her wings cut, nothing could keep her in that realm of light. She closed here syes while she fell faster and faster, not wanting to see what she left behind. She fell during what felt like ethernity, feeling how little by little the light that once made up her essence unwove from her, making her mortal. She didn't care, her senses had not awakened yet, so she couldn't feel the pain of being torn in two, of losing part of herself in the fall.

<He felt as if part of him was snatched from him as he fell, he opened his eyes for a second and saw the trace of darkness he was leaving behind as he moved. He smiled bitterly while he tryed to prevent the pain from making him scream; the reward was worth it>

She noticed how she hit the ground, but not even then she felt it; she felt terribly empty and that feeling could hide any other one, and her body was still numb from the cold. She slowly opened her eyes, dark as had never been seen in a Light, and looked arround. She was by his side, in that small room, softly lighted, full of little details that made her feel at home, where they had shared days and night of forbidden love, memories and calm.

<He felt how he fell on something hard, and it took him a little to understand that he had hit the ground, probably (at least thus he hoped) the gound of their haven. He tried to move, but he still couldn't, because of both the falling and the losing of his wings. The last pieces of darkness were still leaving him, slowly, as if they weren't very sure of the punishment... they should have looked for something worse, but there was nothing they could do now.>

He was by her side, still and pale, the darkness that had always acompanied him unweaving arround him, still falling (or rising?) from his own world of shadows. The fact that his wings were taken form him was easier to understand than her own punishment, as he was created as a criature of hate. However, he had loved. Couldn't that have saved her, even changed the colour of his wings? That wouldn't have changed the situation, because sooner or later they would have decided to fall, leaving a world that could not understand them.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, blue as ice, and looked at her. They smiled, shyly, as if they saw each other for the first time, and somehow it was true. At last mortals, at last together, they got lost in each other's eyes without feeling caught in a whirlwind of black and withe that threatened to destory them, for after what they had gone thought that night nothing could destroy them. It was then when all doubts disappeared. What they felt was strong, not the hate of the Black Wings; what they felt was love, not what that bunch of hipocritical Withe Wings talked about.