View Full Version : Fondest-for the Memory of Francis Thompson

08-18-2003, 03:20 AM
8) "Ah fondest, blindest,
I am he whom thou seekest.
Thou dravest love from thee
who dravest me."
F. Thompson

Fond and downlight gentle
Came the breezes down the glade
Whereupon nightengale wept
Beneath the Moorish wall
The ancient seams and rendings
Doth time and beauty bestow
Songbird night's saint weep
'Neath windows where roses lie
Upon the sill petals scattered
like stones on pathways after storm
Rainwalk to ice freshened air
Brims the spirit ancient days
Dreams - old rainforest untouched
Images of green so pure it laughs
Spring laughs green and flowers fulsome of the daysun peeking out
All is vibrant with its season and time

The sibilant voice goes silent
Flutter wings stir'ed' leaves
Flower petals neath the stone
Left there somehow for me

Fond and fondest came you then
So easeful and calm and wise
Unexpected glories wild heart free
How full can one heart be
That hast come so very very far
Driven only by a few flower petals
The fine nervure of veins upon this old stone wall

Scent of rose remains