View Full Version : Moll Flanders

11-06-2002, 02:00 AM
<br>Can't you think af anything more intelligent to write?????

06-03-2004, 01:00 AM
I think sam is entitled to his own opinion. Can't you think of anything more intelligent to respond????? Sam's comment is concise, but states exactly what the book is about. More importantly though sam, it's not that Moll comes out prosperous, it is that she is penitent and of a new mindset. She is not only perceived as all of the horrid things, she actually is them. But she wises up and changes. A well-written female account of 18th century life from an amazing male perspective. Thank you Daniel Defoe.

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
This novel was pretty good, boring at times, but ok. I liked how Moll Flanders is percieved as a whore, a thief, and a criminal and then comes out good and prosperous in the end.

03-29-2007, 08:24 AM
It is one of the first examples of novel genre.And it tells the first feminist point of view in 18th century. Think a woman in 18th century who achieves success.She has an ambition: to be a gentlewoman. And she does her everything to achieve her goal. Suppose a woman in 18th century patriarcial, male dominant society.Woman was viewed as a second rate citizen, she was only responsible of childcare, household choirs, being an ideal wife and housewife. But Moll is not under this umbrella definition.She is an utsider figure. She has differnt tasks to accomplish. For the sake of her ambition she neglects her social responsibilities evev she ignores her own children.

Ambition, perseverance, determination is the fundamental theme in the novel.
Of course money..
Moral ambiquity is again the most eminent,controlling theme.the reader is confused while reading.
After Robinson Cruose Moll Flanders is among my favorites...