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02-05-2005, 09:39 PM
hi i have to write an essay about women associated to axieties about commercial culture in the 18th century. Can anybody give me some key points or any ideas? I will certainly refer to Moll Flanders, so what are your impressions about that subjet in rrelation to the novel??<br>It would be nice if you could send me a mail with some ideas because I don't know how to start...<br><br>Thanks a lot.<br>Julie

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I feel that maybe in an unknowing way Defoe wrote about how women are treated. She was expected to either marry wealthy or some how meagerly support herself with a low paying degrading job. No job oppurtunities were really open to women during Moll's time. Most women were pushed to crime and prostitution. Nowadays, women can have any job a man has but she still has to work extra hard to prove herself. Moll worked her way up to the top decieving almost everyone in her path. In this "mans" world a woman has got to do what a woman has got to do. (excuse the cheesiness)