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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I'd read Tarzan of the Apes about 6 years ago and have several other ERB books which weren't all Tarzan. It amazes me the ignorance of some people who have problems with the way ERB references people. If blacks were portrayed in an "inexcusable" way, use common sense and take into account the time the book was written and its audience. Blacks were looked upon as(though maybe not by ERB) AS inhuman monsters. Being a reflection of his time, that's how ERB portrayed them, whatever his personal feelings. It amazes me how Anonymous complains about the fainting with fear by Jane's black nurse. Anonymous is annoyingly selective in pointing out the skin color alone as his complaint. What about a woman character in general being portrayed in the stereotypical way of fainting in fear. Again, when it was written, women were looked upon AS people who fainted out of fear, just as they're looked upon in modern literature as little more than sexual addicts in what they call Romance books, just as they're written in modern films as being sexual objects to be oggled, chased, and bedded. ERB's writing really isn't any different than how some people are portrayed today. The problem is, no one bothers to notice.