View Full Version : Frightening

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I´m a student of English Philology at the University of Granada, Spain, and I have to take an exam on this novel. I'm terribly frightened with all the matter of this novel, most of the times I have no words to express my feeling towards what happens in the novel, it´s so fictious and at the same time so near of our reality that it is easy for me to think that it could be a nighmare come true. Frivolity, all in the civlized new world is frivolity, there is no place for feelings, individual feelings, no love at all neither pain. The perfect world is based on stability, and stability means not being one self but being part of a community. Hypnopaedia Conditioning seems to be the clue, and also embryos´alteration. There is only three characters that seem to be the hope for some change, for some human feeling. Helmholtz, Bernard Marx, and John. Bernard is a real disappointment, because as the story moves fordward he turns out to be a mere coward, he really likes the new world but he rejects it because he doesn´t fit in.Helmholtz provoques envy in Bernard because he is extremely perfect, he is what Bernad would like to be, but he seems to be limited in this world because his intelligence; finally, John is my favourite character, he is the esence of the novel, he represents all the human feeling but at the same time, is unable to bare with all the consequences of living in civilization. Nevertheless, the end of the novel is not hopeful, and it creates a deep feeling of emptiness that make one thinks about the proximity of a future like that, full of hypocrisy and ignorance.