View Full Version : BNW

06-07-2004, 01:00 AM
Thank you because I can see how people could find it confusing but I praise your conviction Being in Year 11 I first Read Brave New World (please don't use BNW have none of you read Orwell's 1984! - the ideas about Newspeak and narrowing our vocabulary) on holiday in Portugal and it is, in many ways a much greater book than 1984 because it has so many sutbleties and such ironic humour

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Hi, im in yr 10 in britain and am currently doing some coursework on the novel!! my first oppinion was actually, what a rubbish and confusing book, is there a point?? but as i read further into the novel, it becomes more easy to understand and i actualy really enjoyed the book!! coursework came around and we had to pick 3 themes from the book and talk about them in detail, such difficulty!! despite understanding the book fairly well, i still dont really understand the themes!! a lot of them have stuff to do with the 'science as a means of control' and the way that sex is cheapened!! has anyone any ideas?? brilliant book, hope to read more in the future!!