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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
First of all you''re all missing the main point of the book Dostoevsky said that its to portray the positively good man, there is nothing more difficult in the world nowadays. but the thing most people miss is the recurring mention of Rogohzin's painting - the one of Jesus depicted in a realistic way. This is perhaps a way of looking at Myshkin, especially because most people make the connection that he is depicted as a christ-like figure, but they don't draw the connection between the painting that shows the bruises and suffering of christ in a realistic manner to the portrait of Myshkin as the positively good man suffering realistically, or him as a new christ suffering realistically. and as for the ending, it couldn't be better - aglaya loved him, yet she didn't know how to handle it and would give varying messages to Myshkin that he couldn't understand. but the beauty is that myshkin chose compassion for Nastasia over his love for aglaya, and anyone who goes into an attempt to understand Myshkin could think of no other decision for him to make.

07-07-2005, 10:27 AM
I agree with your analysis regarding Myshkin gave up his true love for Aglaia to compassionately love Nastasia. However, due to his "simpleton," he is unable to handle this conflict differently knowing how insane Nastasia was. He could have run to Aglaia to declare total devotion to her and reciprocate her love and some other way care for Nastasia as if she is his sister. When completing this novel at 3:30am this morning, I felt very sorry for Aglaia, and Nastasia. This is of course Dostoevsky's work, and he loved suffering and tragedies as one side of reality of life.

On my wishy-washiness part, I would end the novel in Dickensonian way:

Myshkin at the moment of under Aglaia test, he would immediately run to her and kiss her and declare his complete love for her without any hesitation. After assuring Aglaia his love, he would comfort Nastasia and ask her to forgive him, to release him of his promise to marry her in front of Aglaia. Furthermore, he would fully recover from his epselisy and live happily with Aglaia, become a teacher, and have many children.

As for Nastasia, she would forgive herself, end her cruelties, release Myskin of his promise (tell him that she understands that he did it out his pity for her not love), marry Rogohzin, and move to Swizerland to start afresh. Nastasia and Aglaia would become good friends, and correspond with each other regularly.