View Full Version : The Barren Shore

08-02-2003, 07:09 PM
And now upon the barren shore,
your footprints lead away.
I look where there is no horizon
Stunned by silence. None will

Where once embraces fulsome
Did play upon the strand so
There - is only rising tide,
Swirling sand - nothing dear.

Long days agone; longer nights,
I waited patient, pilgrim-bright.
Woven reeds and florid sight
Became my solace, single

The years have flown.
They've taken dreams.
I'm left here, only words alone,
And desires most; oft' not what seems.

The silence is gentle, at last.
The dream has come to pass....
Nothing left but this:
Reed woven ring and bliss.

08-03-2003, 12:06 AM
i cannot criticize your work, for it surpasses my own, but i find something about your words that hits something deep inside of me, though i have yet to learn what it is.

08-03-2003, 02:12 AM
Thanks Phoenix. Keep faith in what lies deep inside the heart. It will, one day, be revealed. I promise you.
Peace and happiness,