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05-16-2004, 01:00 AM
Does anyone belive in plain old literary criticisim anymore. I can't find any and who is dumb enough to buy an essay, unless of course your in sixth grade or something!?

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I really enjoyed this tour of subterranean wonders and wanted it to go on. The scientific discussions and math calculations did slow the pace down so it was more than just light reading, but they were generally interesting and were worth making the average non-scientifically-minded reader, whose brain is accustomed to very shallow materials, wait for a while and ponder some of these topics of geophysics, paleontology, etc., and realize that they can actually be enjoyable!<br><br>Criticisms are not of the literature but of the text. <br><br>The way the words frequently run together in these etexts is so annoying, how does that happen and why doesn't someone fix this problem? <br><br>The translator (apparently British and 19th century) pointed out errors or inconsistencies with footnotes, which was good, but at one point made a commentary on physiognomy, i.e. skull measurement supposedly denoting intellect, a discredited theory and of course racist.<br><br>There are no graphics, maps, or pictures. I would have appreciated and enjoyed those so much, such as the runic inscriptions, geographic locations, pictures of incidents in the story, illustrations of rock strata -- This is the kind of book that could benefit from a few pictures, even though it's great anyway.