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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
a fantastic story about honor and moral values. i have turned to this translation in order to print up the recommendations Quixote gave to Panza about how to live his life. i read it as a child and copied down all the values that he tried to impart to panza and put them on my desk as a reminder to me of good values and morals to strive for. i wanted to copy them again for my 9 year old daughter to have as a guide for her life as well.it was a long time ago that i read the book. i was about 12 years old at the time and it was a wonderful story full of adventure and thought provoking situations that presented themselves to quixote and panza. i would love to get my daughter interested enough in it to read it herself. i am speaking of part 2, chapterxlii and xliii