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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I think this book is very much about love. However, love is a fickle thing and, as illustrated, does not last forever. Life is not a fairy tale; it is actually rather depressing. While I found this book to have a dark undercurrent, I still thought it said some good things about life. Number 1: Love is a fleeting and often very emotional thing. It may serve as a temporary happiness, but more often than not it makes people do crazy things. Number 2: Life is no fairy tale. Really think about it. What is the point of living? What is the ultimate truth? If love doesn't bring lasting satisfaction, what does? Think about Edith Wharton herself, who was very rich, however she was not happy. She thought deeply about life and wrote about it and she was still not truly happy. So if money and intellectualism does not bring lasting happiness, then what does? Is life really about being happy? What is life really about?