View Full Version : Profound

09-13-2003, 01:00 AM
I have read the book at least once a year since I was 21 years old. It is a continuous reference point to my own journey. Combined with Exupery's Little Prince and Gibran's Prophet it is the guide to the examined life. I enjoyed your comments more than any others I read. In you I recognized much of myself.<br>Namaste,<br>Gene

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I believe it covers all stages of one's life. I say this because I have read it when I was a teens, then in my 20's, and again in my 30's. I look forward to reading it again in my 40's. There always seems to be a new truth about life that reveals its self when I read it. I would urge you to read Mr. Hesse's other works. They tend to be almost hypnotic in the way they draw one in.<br>Peace...<br>David