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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Life is a task that we should all look forward to. you only have one life to live and nobody can take that freedom away. In this novel , the main character demostartes how he must look for his personal freedom in order to live his life to freedom. This book would be great for those who are looking for the meaning of life.

06-12-2007, 06:01 AM
theres a movie. it's called "The Meaning of Life", monty python made it. I think it explains the meaning of life very well. :^).

Alison Reich
03-27-2008, 07:32 AM
I agree with this quote. Siddhartha would be a terrific novel for someone searching for the meaning of life because quite simply this is exactly what Siddhartha is looking for. The novel is his journey to find personal freedom and in order to find this Siddhartha looks towards others who have found their own meaning of life. This novel would help anyone looking for the meaning of life because it shows you it is possible to find personal freedom, it just depends on what you think is the best path in getting there. Siddhartha tests out many different life styles and religions only to find that his own path is the one that will lead him to personal freedom. Others find their own freedom in other religions. To each his own.