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05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I personally believe that The Jungle is a stirring piece of persuasive political literature, that you must have a brillant mind to read and comprehend. Many of my peers didn't enjoy this book, but I found it quite a moving novel, which forced me to look at the Capitalistic system in America. Without Sinclair's brave novel, we would still be eating infested meats, and wouldn't understand the joy and pain, and just blatant ignorrance of American Capitalism.

02-20-2008, 07:33 PM
I love how you misspelled ignorance when pointing out American ignorance.

06-08-2010, 04:53 PM
I personally believe that The Jungle is a stirring piece of persuasive political literature, that you must have a brillant mind to read and comprehend. Many of my peers didn't enjoy this book, but I found it quite a moving novel, which forced me to look at the Capitalistic system in America. Without Sinclair's brave novel, we would still be eating infested meats, and wouldn't understand the joy and pain, and just blatant ignorrance of American Capitalism.


It appears that you have read the novel out of context. There was plenty of government regulation of the meat packing industry prior to Sinclair's book. Even if there wasn't, market forces provide effective self-regulation in such situations. If a meat packer sells infested meat, people soon hear about it and nobody buys that meat packer's products anymore. It does not behoove a business to sell a bad product in an open marketplace. One of the biggest problems with the socialist nanny state is that it provides a false sense of security and promotes a lack of interest in what is happening around us. To believe that somehow professional politicians and bureaucrats are better thinkers than the doers and makers in our society has led us to where we are today, broke and ever more enslaved by the government.

You obviously failed to comprehend that Sinclair's novel was a work of fiction with only a smattering of fact inserted here and there.