View Full Version : The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Molly Dunhill
05-24-2005, 06:03 PM
I totally agree Frank. The pure essence of the quality of this novel lies in the caragous way in which, particularly as a woman Helen persues her life. To add to your comment I would like to further her heroism and take into consideration Arthur's Alcoholism as a theme of her amazing feet of the struggles in her life. It is for me the frank depiction of Huntingtons alcoholism and Helen's struggle to free herself and by some critics was considered innapropriate subject for women. The point however though is the fact that she overcomes these problems while her husband retorts of absorbing alchololic vapour. <br> One critic suggested that the novel was"Utterly unfit to be put into the hands of girls" which of course only wrose more interest in the work and to me demonstrates the reason why this text works so well and is so powerful.

07-23-2005, 09:27 PM
Hi, Just in case, i dont suppose you are the same Molly Dunhill that braved Harlech coleg, if so it would be good to chat email me on [email protected]