View Full Version : Rose In Bloom

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
Rose In Bloom is a very sweet and romantic book that I just adore! I would certainly recommend it, but do not fall in love with all the cousins (especially 'Prince') for I must say he is not how he appears! I absolutely love this book!!!! Except for the ending (:C), sadly but truly, I began to be fond of Charlie. But I would just say soooo many times, don't be fooled by Charlie's sweet doings!!! And start to be fond of Mac!!!

12-20-2005, 10:00 AM
Well, I got quite annoyed with the book. It just seemed a bit to moralistic for me - and I just somehowe knew from the beaginig what will happen at the end, which annoyed me.

06-29-2006, 12:34 PM
I did not find the ending so very obvious. I found it a quaint and pleasant book, but I am old-fashioned in a way.

09-13-2009, 04:16 PM
I think this is one of my favorite books, but then again I have too many to even count. I don't know if I found the ending too predictable. I know I wanted Rose to end up with Mac. I was not expecting things to end the way they did with Rose and Charlie. I also did not expect Mac to end up a poet.
As for the book being moralistic, I believe that it is meant to be so in a way. In the foreword of the book, Louisa May Alcott writes that the book "was written in fulfillment of a promise, hoping to afford some amusement, and perhaps here and there a helpful hint, to other roses getting ready to bloom". I think one has to take into consideration the time the book was written, who the author is, and remember that it is just a novel written to entertain.
I personally find the romances, especially that of Rose and Mac, very sweet and good. The book is entertaining and reminds me that there is more to love and romance than what is usually depicted now.

02-11-2012, 09:14 PM
Even though I'll always love Eight Cousins or the Aunt-Hill best, Rose in Bloom is the perfect ending to this story. I love Rose's transition from young girl to young woman, and how her relationship with Mac is developed throughout the book. But I especially adore Pheobe and Archie; when I read that they were in love with each other, I was shocked, but then thought 'Yes!! That's exactly how it should be.'

Well written, fantastic conclusion. I love Louisa May Alcott!!!

02-17-2012, 08:13 AM
I really enjoy the fact that other people beyond me liked these books. When I was little, 10, I began to read the Eight Cousins, in Portuguese ('cause I'm brazilian). I actually loved the history, specially I liked the genders juveniles, as Pollyanna and Pollyanna Grows Up. I don't know if my English is correct on the write, but here is my comment.
When I was a child, I didn't get the way that Rose interacts with her cousins, all boys. I really think, today, that's too strange, on century XIX, the girls on adolescence to be so near of a group of a boys, even her cousins. How her aunts and her uncle did not think that is too inappropriate? Even today, I guess that. Even if the thought on time was that Rose and the others were children, I cannot let to wonder that.
And don't even mention the fact that she was only better of her illness (I guess it was a depression) stand by a male group. hehe!