View Full Version : A very 'drawn' out book

05-24-2005, 06:07 PM
I would not recommend this book to anyone who is not comfortable or familiar with the gothic/romantic literature of the 1800s. The author writes in a 'descriptive' style, which others might find 'boring.' For those who enjoy books that involve much suspense and excitement, this is generally not the book for you. For example, on chapter that has approx. 20 pages, focuses on one event in extreme (excruciating) detail. This for some, may be too much to handle. You MUST read up to the 14+ chapters to truly gain a sense of deep interest of the book. However, for others who enjoy fine quality English literature, you would be definitely enjoy this book.

10-30-2006, 08:25 AM
I agree on the descriptive part. It can be a bit tedious and 'drawn out'.

But I think it adds character to the novel. (and I suppose it helps that I like that kind of stuff!)

01-31-2007, 10:23 AM
“A very 'drawn out book”? Jane certainly draws and Rochester as well as St.John uses her drawings as an insight into her mind. Perhaps the reader should use the drawn-out chapters to gain an insight into Jane, the young Jane who has to resolve the conflicts of Romantic love. In the Readers guide of the Modern Library edition, the question is posed: “Some critics and readers have suggested that the first part of Jane Eyre is more arresting because it is more directly autobiographical.”