View Full Version : General Literature

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  1. Archetypes in Literature
  2. Alexander Trocchi
  3. Things that spoil the joy of reading
  4. "Elitism"
  5. Which of these to compare with Othello?
  6. Author's Fanquest =)
  7. Recommendations Needed!
  8. Romanian literature anybody?
  9. Villain fan club!
  10. Hello.
  11. The Salem Witch Hunt
  12. American Literature
  13. Do With Me What You Will
  14. Somebody help me please.
  15. History of English Literature
  16. Forever... by Judy Blume
  17. Can we have literature without imagination?
  18. Any good vampire books?
  19. Looking for a book from my past
  20. Magnus Mills
  21. Please recommend some books dealing with Gnostic imagery, themes, subject matter etc.
  22. Help: Advent reading
  23. Need some help
  24. Best books about communism
  25. can you help me????????????
  26. Breakfast at Tiffany's- novel or short story?
  27. Annie Leclerc-Anybody knows anything?
  28. What YOU want
  29. the 1st world war
  30. Some help
  31. J K Rowling VS Faulkner and A S Byatt
  32. Brit Lit. Can anyone help w/ Sir Gawain and green knight?
  33. Almost done with '1984' and...
  34. The Gulag Archipelago (abridged edition)
  35. HELP with book title
  36. For those who have read Yevgeny Zamyatin's 'We'..
  37. the neddle's eye by drabble: a discussion
  38. A good history of the United States
  39. Monet Refuses the Operation and other texts
  40. HELP! Francoise Sagan!
  41. Help!! Can anyone help me find a copy of this essay/literature
  42. Question
  43. Ramadan in Literature
  44. Help me find this book!
  45. temeraire
  46. help me with this 1984 essay please!!!
  47. Artemis Fowl?
  48. Striked-out Parts of Names in Older Literature
  49. What is Your Favorite Ghost Story?
  50. Best Horror Novels?
  51. Best 150 Novels
  52. Nobel frontrunners
  53. Julia Kristeva
  54. Regeneration and The Wasteland - People who have read them.
  55. Top 100 Books You Never Heard Of
  56. Good history books?
  57. Augustan literature
  58. Kleos and Pietas Essay Help!!!
  59. The Sun Also Rises- Romanticism vs. Existentialism
  60. The Book Show invites viewers to ask questions
  61. Which novel should I buy next?
  62. Lord Dunsany
  63. Salgari, Dumas, Sabatini: Classic tales of adventure
  64. James H Schmitz
  65. What do you think of this book?
  66. Alias Grace
  67. NBAs, Amazon reviews and your thoughts
  68. Question
  69. Question about edited and 'retold' or 'adapted' publications
  70. We - Yevgeny Zamyatin - CHAPTER SUMMARY?
  71. 'One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich & The Gulag Archipelogy Trilogy
  72. Your Interpretation?
  73. Under the Volcano
  74. Controlling publishers
  75. What is this book?
  76. I need this book
  77. Dan Brown; Out of his senses? Or saying Sense!
  78. Things Fall Apart
  79. Patricia Cornwell's New Book
  80. Holes
  81. Travel Literature
  82. Gombrowicz
  83. High on Gold
  84. Russian essentials
  85. Satan in literature
  86. Help identify playwright
  87. A question relating to WE aby Zamyatin
  88. The God of Small Things
  89. Saddest/Most Depressing Novel You've Ever Read
  90. a good classics 'capsule' collection
  91. I beg you to please help me with my h.w . thank you.
  92. Non-Fiction Short Story Question
  93. Help with No Word From Winifred
  94. What should I be looking for?
  95. The Man in the Iron Mask
  96. The books that shaped your mind.
  97. seeking help with research idea
  98. Thoughts on some random books
  99. Philip Roth
  100. irish literatuer
  101. Links to literatures of Eastern / Central Europe
  102. The opening of a novel
  103. No Ideas original?
  104. Need Help ASAP!!
  105. Tom's midnight garden
  106. help please?
  107. Save Kilted's Brain
  108. Ashes to Ashes, Harold Pinter
  109. Need help - Cultural Studies
  110. What to buy for my brother?
  111. "Difficult" books that are actually rewarding
  112. Ray Bradbury help...
  113. Books with a lot interesting asides/tangents similar to Salinger/Murakami?
  114. "Easy" reading that is not really so "easy"
  115. Historical literature
  116. Can anyone help me with "The Crucible"
  117. Please Help Me Find A Book!!!!
  118. How many books you can read in a month?
  119. symbols of poe?
  120. A novel that involves each chapter building upon the alphabet..
  121. Danse macabre in literature
  122. Any "Steven Brust" fans?
  123. Searching for additional materials... AGAIN!
  124. Any help on Academic studies of Carroll's "Alice" books
  125. thoughts on Mary Anne by Daphne Du Maurier
  126. Norman Mailer Dies
  127. New Member -would value your opinion
  128. Russian symbolism
  129. Themes, Characterisations and Pivotal moments in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD
  130. gervase phinn - tales from the dales
  131. Help Please
  132. Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"
  133. What are some hypertext editions of novels?
  134. The Hero's Journey
  135. Phd Topic
  136. Help: paper about Heller's catch-22
  137. Need help to find topic!
  138. Dabel Brothers Partners Up With Del Rey and Random House
  139. What should I read if I had nothing to read?
  140. Rowling sues publisher of Harry Potter Lexicon
  141. Question about literary form
  142. A novel where the protagonist cannot discern reality from dreams?
  143. Not sure if this is the correct section, but...
  144. Looking for a short story author like....
  145. problem with topic for an essay
  146. Language in Beckett's happy days & Tennessee Williams' suddenly last summer
  147. Delillo's Cosmopolis and metafiction
  148. Need Help Identifying a Short Story
  149. Accessible classics
  150. Representation of Selfhood, Dante and Goethe
  151. Declining Reading Rates in the US
  152. The Silmarillion
  153. SF Short Story - Ethical/Moral
  154. The Lord of the Rings: 50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition! Which one to get!?
  155. How do you organize your books?
  156. language limitation
  157. Watership down
  158. Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums
  159. Need Help!!
  160. What's the most important blog of our time?
  161. Christina Stead
  162. Farenheit 451 vs Chrysalids
  163. FEVER by Laurie Halse Anderson
  164. Violence and Sex in Liteature
  165. Graham Greene, The Quiet American and the perfect description of a neoconservative
  166. Christmas books?
  167. Wild Cards, Malazan Book of the Fallen, Nine Princes In Amber
  168. Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Graphic Adaptation
  169. Arthur Miller
  170. Man I love "childrens" books
  171. Writing what?
  172. difference between classical and high modernism
  173. What's your interpretation of this?
  174. Biographical novels - fictional biographies about authors
  175. Strange book
  176. Narrators
  177. tonic & beer
  178. Expat Literature
  179. NYTimes Best Books of 2007
  180. Help in remembering name of book!
  181. Choosing Your Next Book
  182. Looking for artists like Poe
  183. Help me decide what to read for english class
  184. modernist literature?
  185. Dune series
  186. The (un-)importance of liking an author?
  187. the truth behind Helen Keller story
  188. Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Prodigal Son Graphic Adaptation
  189. Winter Holiday Reading Lists
  190. Recommend books for 20-29 ages
  191. Elizabeth Hardwick, RIP
  192. A Song of Ice and Fire/Dresden Files
  193. Teaching Into the Wild: A Lost cause for teens?
  194. Titanic
  195. Please help me with these questions.
  196. I need your help
  197. Not everyone can be a protagonist
  198. Sara Gruen: Water for Elephants
  199. Name This Folktale
  200. The Road by Cormac McCarthy
  201. Urgent! Please Help Me With A Title!
  202. fragmentation?
  203. Writers like Vonnegut?
  204. Greek translations for quotes?
  205. modernism and alienation. help please!
  206. hey, I'm a Newb lil help
  207. What is the name of this shortstory ?
  208. Type casting in writing
  209. Book Title question
  210. Does anyone know where this comes from?
  211. Latin making a comeback?
  212. Dick Francis
  213. Tragic Element
  214. William H. Gass
  215. Christmas Literary Traditions
  216. Help Please!
  217. Classic Literature Must Reads Please!
  218. Can any one help me with my assignment??
  219. Colin Fletcher
  220. WHat book to read for class to do a criticism?
  221. What book am I going to read????
  222. ...a spiritual tour de force...
  223. "A Beast in the Jungle"
  224. Novels in which language is a character
  225. Vardis Fisher
  226. Too Much Author
  227. Homework
  228. Read please
  229. The book you love(for the moment)
  230. hale & hearty
  231. I want to read Count of Monte Cristo..
  232. Maximum Ride????
  233. Cormac McCarthy
  234. "Definitive" translations
  235. Handbook to Literature
  236. What was your first 'proper book'??
  237. Books about templar knights/crusaders?
  238. books about students' life
  239. Your reading during the year 2007
  240. What's a good book you read....that nobody has heard about?
  241. Good Books That Aren't Reaaaaally Long
  242. Help needed!!!
  243. I am?
  244. Mikhail Bakhtin and his "human praxis"
  245. Saramago
  246. Literature from Oceania
  247. Horrible Brit Lit and Am Lit Curriculums
  248. what is on your 2008 reading list?
  249. National Books
  250. Which books could you reccomend to me?