View Full Version : General Writing

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  1. When is one a "writer"?
  2. Oh Lover
  3. Haggises
  4. Forest Fires
  5. Backward Wine, A Nightmare Inspired by Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five
  6. How to improve my essays
  7. Fragments, bits and pieces, confessions
  8. Short Story Outline
  9. For my father, liquid memories
  10. A Fragmentary Piece
  11. New Beginnings
  12. The Interlude
  13. er, help pweeeze?
  14. Please edit my disorganized essay!
  15. Novel
  16. Writing Theory
  17. Monologue of a Teenager Trying to Find Fulfillment in Life
  18. English and American Style.
  19. The Active Throes of English & American Writing
  20. Dictating vs. typing
  21. First chapter of a novel I plan to write
  22. New Bits and Pieces
  23. A Rough Rough Draft
  24. I'm stuck - help?
  25. Morning Dew Duties
  26. Love and Friend - Help me complete by posting your own situation please :D
  27. Why do you write?
  28. Proof-read my Italian.
  29. The Candle on the Water
  30. Ways to improve fiction writing/prose
  31. Literature is freedom.
  32. Fiction--Lost In China
  33. [Poem] Death
  34. what do you think of this introduction?
  35. Write about what you know?
  36. Short story, please feedback. (1148 words)
  37. Short story, please give feedback. (1148 words)
  38. Fiction - Man of the Mud
  39. Script Frenzy 2010
  40. Teaching Philosophy Statement
  41. Clenched fists at love's assist
  42. I
  43. Industrial Revolution: The Tipping point?
  44. Writing mute characters
  45. Sound sheen is very commen in the world languages
  46. Emulating Writers and others ...
  47. Free Online Writers Workshop
  48. The __________________ book
  49. Ecstasy at the Blue Bunny
  51. Need Help on a Title for Short Story/Novel
  52. Creative Writing is Dead
  53. Expression and evocation.
  54. Lucidity
  55. Tolerance For Pee
  56. Native speakers are not feel problem
  57. Having had only a few responses, I ...
  58. finishing a story
  59. Story about a protection racket
  60. Hayseed Huck under doctor's care ...
  61. I hate it when someone says, " .. our hopes and prayers."
  62. respond-- it's the thing to do
  63. Glimpses
  64. Charity
  65. Inspiration?
  66. I'm Rich But Tired Of It
  67. "The Book of Fate"
  68. How to identify a self-indulgent writing?
  69. english essay
  70. What's your writing tool?
  71. My Perfect Day
  72. Finding time
  73. Divorce Proceedings; Galahad vs. Jones
  74. Is it good to publish your book online in the process of writing?
  75. Your favorite short story?
  76. Insomniacs Unite
  77. Action at a Distance
  78. Do you often leave work incomplete?
  79. Maybe we play a game, eh?
  80. Hating Art
  81. Grammatical question...
  82. First serious attempt at writing.
  83. We can only be husband and wife but we can’t be friends anyway.
  84. The Short Short Story
  85. Good Thesaurus
  86. your feedback on my articel
  87. Toxic Friends !
  88. "The Bubble and the Tumor": Choosing the Right Word
  89. Could you write an essay on just ONE word?
  90. The Art of Kissing.
  91. Pazuzu Manifestation - A Free Fantasy-Horror Ebook
  92. One of A Thousand and One Names
  93. Make a wish !
  94. Wedding Ring !
  95. Using a LOT of connectives
  96. Love Isn't
  97. Follow Me !
  98. I.s.i.s
  99. My First Epic Poem
  100. Anyone care to read my English Extension 2 Major Work Pt 1
  101. sentences i've made.
  102. Seekig a Literary agent
  103. Growth, Life, and Beginnings
  104. It wasn't me.
  105. Modesty
  106. The Oil Spill is Only a Symptom
  107. Your writing process
  108. Our Beliefs !
  109. <Insert Title HERE>
  110. Apathy
  111. A Tale
  112. Writer's Block
  113. Ugly
  114. House/ House revisited which one?
  115. How should story End?
  116. The cranes of Ibykos (ancient greek myth)
  117. Need a help in writing an essay....
  118. Would wholeheartedly appreciate comments on my book, Thank You 10 times
  119. Writer's block...stuck on being loved..can you help?
  120. "Othello" A Critical Review
  121. Rendezvous with Aryaa under Moon-lit Sky
  122. Comparison and Contrast between ‘ The Rape of the Lock’ and Paradise Lost
  123. 3 stories
  124. Black Bike
  125. writing software
  126. Fairylights and Flowers
  127. The Untrodden Path
  128. Mother may I ?
  129. This is the the intro to an Untitled story that I am writting
  130. My Room.
  131. Real-Life Fiction
  132. A Life Experience
  133. A Dutch Treat
  134. An Assassin's Debt
  135. Recommend me some good books on writing
  136. The opening of a story
  137. A Prologue (Untitled Story)
  138. Frustrations with a 'War of the Roses' Novel
  139. The Choice of Life
  140. Rhetoric
  141. Writing about music
  142. Intro about Jewish-Italian Prodigy-Need harsh reviews-Will only make me stronger
  143. Missing You !
  144. Adverbs and Adjectives in Writing
  145. The Fruits of the Earth.
  146. Grammar in Writing a Novel
  147. Musical description - reactions?
  148. Passive writing
  149. If You received this letter
  150. Do you think this forum will delete this kind of writing?
  151. Calmly going insane
  152. Novel Sample
  153. How to write short stories?
  154. 'Literary' fiction vs. 'Genre' fiction
  155. Hello
  156. A Beginning
  157. Just practicing to see what I can get done in ten minutes.
  158. Irina
  159. Hello I would appreciate anyone's professional criticisms, Thank You Very Much
  160. Please critique this opening page.
  161. Is this too poetic for a prose?
  162. A Prologue
  163. The Bench - Short Story
  164. Chandler & Marlowe.
  165. Adjective and Adverb Appositives?
  166. Silenced Harmony
  167. A Werewolf Thief
  168. High school writer with horrible writing
  169. Dark centurion
  170. Some Unforeseen Developments
  171. Writing styles out of vogue.
  172. The Blue Lady and My Departure from One Reality to Another
  173. something fun!
  174. Writing the First Novel
  175. The Heroes Of Newerth
  176. The negative virtues of Rabelais?
  177. Esblánc - An Excerpt
  178. Rearward Soul
  179. Could someone help me get this style across?
  180. Pete's room.
  181. Theater with no audience
  182. A teen romance: Not the usual BS
  183. first person or 3rd person
  184. Constructive criticism.... pointers?
  185. There goes my life...
  186. The Greatest Story Ever: Give A Great Author's Phrase, Build The Story!
  187. Anything for her
  188. No title...just words and feelings
  189. Esblánc - The Corner
  190. Heaven and hell
  191. Rough open for college work (fiction)
  192. The Origami Dragons
  193. Critics and Criticism.
  194. Rabelais.
  195. What I am working with.
  196. Ishmael by Daniel Quinn - My paper
  197. Just an introduction.
  198. Who am I am.
  199. I need an essay help...
  200. Tips on how to finish this story.
  201. Tips for writing a college essay
  202. Life Experiences
  203. Through Spain by Train
  204. Auntie's Down and Dirty Punctuation Guide
  205. Greetings & Palestinian "Henna"
  206. Please review my first college essay on "First Impressions"
  207. Please Help: White Teeth essay
  208. Need Help with arguementative Essay!!!
  209. Punctuation or no punctuation?
  210. Essay on "Death by Landscape"
  211. It is all in the imagination!
  212. Comparison Essay-Please Give me Immediate Feedback
  213. asking help for a research paper
  214. Ap Lang Paper
  215. How did you feel after you finished your first novel?
  216. Readmission essay
  217. Vacant WIP
  218. Ephemera
  219. How i sleep every night these days
  220. Two in the Shoe
  221. Proustian desire to regain time
  222. Copywriter’s Corner
  223. Shakespeare Essay.
  224. Nightmares
  225. Real Dogs Don't Bite Prostitutes
  226. lack of breakfast
  227. The Crucible Essay
  228. //Series// Second Chance ❤ UPDATE: PROLOGUE.
  229. Guides for Short Stories
  230. ATTN Writers: A Question of Approach
  231. The Amygdala Shroud: Prologue
  232. Another sample chapter
  233. Thesis on Kind's of Alienation in Dostoevsky's "Notes from Underground"
  234. The Foundation: A TV Mini-Series
  235. What do you know about love ?!
  236. Need Help with a Shakespearean Sonnet
  237. Please help to check letter of motivation
  238. The Repalcement !
  239. I am Superhero !
  240. One Tired Day
  241. Mind Exhaust
  242. Pictures at an Exhibition - Part 1 - The Delivery
  243. Myself
  244. Flash Fiction
  245. One or three people?
  246. Cyborgs in Fiction
  247. Mythology: Creating a Whole World
  248. Jackel Liandra
  249. Nature Sleep.
  250. Thoughts on Happiness